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In the field, the nature of the ground leads to a change in the stride pattern [4,53], and the range of the inertial sensor values. The stride cycle detection with wavelets seems more reliable because this method is focused on the shape of the curves themselves correlated to the stride ...
However, the freshwater unit cost of the GW-136/4.8 is significantly lower than the values obtained for other models. Finally, the two locations of Manjil and Zabol are selected as a benchmark and the results of the simulation are extended for these locations. Keywords: waste heat; wind ...
- values = { - 'address': address, - 'port': port, - 'username': username, - 'password': password, - 'db_name': db_name - } - template_conn_str = "postgresql+psycopg2://{username}:{password}@{address}:{port}/{db_name}" - conn_str = template_conn_str.format(**values) -...
has-values@^1.0.0: version "1.0.0" resolved "https://registry.npmjs.org/has-values/-/has-values-1.0.0.tgz#95b0b63fec2146619a6fe57fe75628d5a39efe4f" integrity sha1-lbC2P+whRmGab+V/51Yo1aOe/k8= dependencies: is-number "^3.0.0" kind-of "^4.0.0" has@^1.0.3: vers...
Parameters P n V f PF Ra Rf Rd Rq Values 30 KVA 2 115 V 400 Hz 0.75 0.0364 Ω 1.9 Ω 0.0445 Ω 0.1414 Ω Energies 2018, 11, 96 16 of 17 Parameters Ld Lq Lls L0 Lf LDD LQQ Maf Md Mq Mdf Table A1. Cont. Values 8.0360 × 10−4 H 2.8792 × 10−4 H 4.1690 ×...
The summation for forecasting values of solar and wind power are also applied for setting different reserve strategies in the four stochastic cases. For each simulation case, 100 scenarios have been generated for each uncertainty of energy sources, such as wind, solar, load, and generator outage ...
Values for the deposition process are given in Table 1. Table 1. Parameters used in the deposition experiments with both different aerosol generation units. Deposition Parameters Piston diameter/mm Brush rotation/rpm Carrier gas Flow rate/nL/min Scan speed/mm/s Piston speed/Feed rate/mm/h ...
3.2. Hardware Requirements Regarding the hardware requirements, the system must contain, at least, one accelerometer in order to register measurements related to movement. Furthermore, it is considered a benefit to work with different measurement ranges (i.e., full scale values) and sensitivities ...
The training of the neural network is to search for appropriate network parameters to minimize the sum-squared error between the network outputs and actual values by using an iteration algorithm. In the standard back propagation learning algorithm [26], two key parameters, including the learning ...