trust投资基金金融投资翻译工作者投资信托基金英文原版垄断市场互惠基金大偏差投资基金(investment fund),作为一种在世界上经济发达国家中早已流行的金融投资工具,其集资功能和整体财务均仅次于银行业。其近年来已在我国经济领域中出现,且发展势头甚猛。所谓投资基金,指的是将社会大众中用于投资的零散资金聚集起来,交与专家...
什么是信托基金 Unit Trust? 信托基金其实就是由一间公司(通常是银行或金融机构,如: Public Mutual)收集民众投资者的钱,然后由专业的基金经理进行投资。基金投资的方法和策略是根据不同的基金而定,好处在于回酬的机会高于银行存款利息或定期利息,但风险却远比投资股票来的低。每个基金都有本身的pro...
Grow your wealth from wide range of professionally managed Unit Trust funds. Available in multiple currencies that suit your financial goals and appetite.
Investors can redeem mutual fund shares or UIT units atnet asset value (NAV)to the fund or trust either directly or with the help of an investment advisor. NAV is defined as the total value of the portfolio divided by the number of shares or units outstanding, and the NAV is calculated ...
Investors own units (or shares) which represent a part of the Unit Trust’s portfolio holdings. A fund can invest in securities such as stocks, bonds and/or other instruments. In Singapore, a Unit Trust may also be referred to as a collective investment scheme (CIS).Benefits...
A fund manager directs the investments of a unit trust, and investors are beneficiaries of the trust. Understanding Unit Trusts A unit trust is a collective investment packaged under a trust deed. The fund manager may invest in bonds or shares on the stock market, and the fund is divided ...
A unit trust is a collective investment packaged under a trust deed. The fund manager may invest in bonds or shares on the stock market, and the fund is split into units, which investors purchase. Unit trusts provide access to securities, mortgages, and cash equivalents. 单位信托是根据信托契...
fund 这里翻为“基金管理机构”较适宜,一是company和partnership都是实体,二是参考以下unit trust和investment trust的定义。 以下资料整理于Wikipedia和Investopedia。英国是unit trust和investment trust,美国类似的是unit investment trust,是mutual trust的一种。
英文名称:Mutual Fund/Unit Trust 中文名称:共同基金/联合信托基金 "指开放型投资信托基金公司或联合信托基金公司,这些基金将许多投资者的资金聚集起来,雇佣专业化人士按照预设目的建立一个多样化的投资组合(如股票、债券等)。投资者支付管理费,有权按持股比例分配股息,在首次公开发行后,基金根据大众的需求可继续出售股票...
Investors should carefully consider a Fund’s investment goals, risks, sales charges and expenses before investing. The prospectus contains this and other information; please read it carefully before investing. GIS Fund - Aggressive Annualised Rate of Return as at Dec. 31, 2023 Annualised Rate...