A UIT may be structured either as a regulated investment company (RIC) or as a grantor trust. Investors in RIC's have voting rights but not a direct interest in the trust investments, whereas a grantor trust gives the unitholders a proportional interest in the underlying securities....
The article focuses on "The Income Tax (Authorized Unit Trusts) (Interest Distributions) Regulations 1994" in Great Britain. The regulations would enable authorized unit trusts to make interest distributions without deduction of tax wh...
Noun1.unit investment trust- a regulated investment company consisting of professional managers who issue redeemable securities representing a portfolio of many different securities; "you can invest in a unit investment trust for as little as $1000" ...
A prolonged period of low interest rates has discouraged people to save their money into the bank. a proloned silence/ absence The conference discussion focuses on the sustained development of agriculture. 岿咯匆诚尤奇胎闹癌霍涸彻浇踩狄船们枝侯奥喜薛带寐衷啦残娥熏挽逻久大学英语精读第一册-...
激发;唤起tomakesbfeel,think,etc.sth:Hisdrivinghardlyinspiresconfidence(=makepeoplefeelconfidentbecausetheytrustyourability).[常用于被动语态]启发;给……灵感togivesbtheideaforsth:Thispieceofmusicwasinspiredbydolphinsounds.inspire语义网络图 使吸入 inspire(基本义)“使吸入”活力“使吸入”感受“使吸入”...
The idea of efficient markets suggests that one should not place a great deal of faith in any forecasts about interest rates or stock prices, because if the person making the forecast really does know what will happen, he could keep quiet and get rich. Text : SPECULATORS Speculators play a...
1)When you inquire about interest rates, it's important to___compound interest and simple interest. (distinguish between区别) 你咨询利息率时,重要的是区分清楚复利和单一利息。 2)At the meeting there was a lot of___to the proposed changes. (opposition反对) 会议上对于提出的改变出现了很多反对声...
一轮· 英语 1 必备知识 自主梳理 核心考点 互动探究 跟踪检测 巩固提升 主题词块积累 1.connect with him与他联系 2.trust each other 彼此信任 3.avoid conflicts 避免冲突 4.live in harmony 生活和睦 5.be kind,friendly and polite to others 对别人善良、友好、有礼貌 一轮· 英语 1 必备知识 自主梳...
therefore, when interest rates rise, asset demand for money falls. and when interest rates fall, asset demand for money rises.,如果我们用现金来购买一种支付利息的资产,如某种政府债券或公司债券,我们可以赢得更多的现金。但是如果我们持有的是50美元钞票,就不能在这笔资产上获取利息。所以利息低时我们就...
UITs also charge trustee fees. These trustee fees cover the costs of the trustee responsible for overseeing the trust. Trustee fees are typically a fixed amount or a percentage of the assets held in the trust, though there may be other expenses included specific for legal, accounting, custody...