本文的范例,使用 VS2013 为开发工具,mock framework 则是使用 Rhino.Mocks,通过 IoC 的方式,由构造函数来传入 stub/mock/fake object。 注:在 Microsoft Fakes 里面也有内建的 stub object,但是是类似 fake object 的方式产生,而非 Rhino.Mocks, moq 这类 mock framework 是使用动态产生 stub/mock object的方式。
A "mock" is a more sophisticated dummy implementation that can be configured to verify that certain conditions are met during the test. Mocks can be set up to verify that certain functions are called, certain values are returned, or certain conditions are met. A "fake" is a working implemen...
Fake - Fake 是一个通用术语,可用于描述 stub或 mock 对象。它是 stub 还是 mock 取决于使用它的上下文。也就是说,Fake 可以是 stub 或 mock Mock - Mock 对象是系统中的 fake 对象,用于确定单元测试是否通过。Mock 起初为 Fake,直到对其断言。 Stub - Stub 是系统中现有依赖项的可控制替代项。通过使用 St...
测试替身(test double)指代了所有测试中用到的非生产环境的依赖,包括 dummy, stub, spy, mock, fake,本质上可以分为两种类型。 Mock是为了模拟和检查由内向外(outcoming)的交互,即SUT用于改变外部依赖的调用。Stub是为了模拟由外向内(incoming)的交互,即SUT用于获取信息的调用,细分dummy/stub/fake只是在智能程度上...
在上篇读书笔记中介绍了四种测试替身,分别是stub, fake object, test spy, mock object。 在介绍如何正确使用这四种不同类型的测试替身前,有必要结合我自己的理解来区分这四种不同的替身。 首先这四种类型里,最简单的实现是stub,stub只负责返回相同的值,且一般不关心输入是什么。最复杂的是fake object, ...
Mocks, Fakes, Stubs and Dummies Are you confused about what someone means when they say "test stub" or "mock object"? Do you sometimes feel that the person you are talking to is using a very different definition? Well, you are not alone!
PART I: JUnit vs. TestNG PART II: Figuring Out What to Test PART III: Setting Up Mock Alternative Realities PART IV: Mockito for Advanced Users Verifying Order of Calls Conclusion on Mock and Unit Testing Back to top What is Unit Testing?
publicstaticvoid Init(TestContext context) { Console.WriteLine("Use ClassInitialize to run code before you run the first test in the class."); } [TestInitialize] publicvoid BeforeTest() { Console.WriteLine("Use TestInitialize to run code before you run each test."); ...
Mock objects, or Fakes as they're called in VS, are a great solution for unit testing. They allow us the ability to act as both the server and the client to abstract our tests from SharePoint. However, given that there isn't a fakes framework already developed for SharePoint, ...
“Great value” August 30, 2023 byAnonymous(US) “This version of Roy Osherove's book is again fantastic. His approach to the discussion of mocks vs stubs and determining which tests to write using inputs and exit points is eye opening. I do wish the book went a little deeper in comple...