Tour guide: That’s Saint Basil, s Cathedral. People all over the world think of Russia when they see it. It's like the Eiffel Tower in France or the Great Wall in China, a symbol of the country.Tourist 2: Forgive me for asking, but can you tell me more about Red Square?Tour gu...
Starter Unit 1 good /gud/ adj. 好的 morning /'mɔ:niŋ/ n. 早晨;上午 Good morning! 早上好! hi /hai/ interj. (用于打招呼)嗨;喂 hello /hə'ləu/ interj. 你好;喂 afternoon /,a:ftə'nu:n/ n. 下午 Good afternoon! 下午好! evening /'i:vniŋ/...
Spain takes “tomatoes fights” to a whole new level.But the tomatoes are being thrown,not eaten.The festival takes place during the last Wednesday in August.Trucks(卡车) carry tomatoes into the square.People rush to the tomatoes and throw them into the crowd. Rolling cheese—England This fes...
【链接高考】 (2021浙江卷)In 1844 they bought it (37) for$1,200 and some land from CharlesDresser, who performed their(38) marriage(marry)ceremony in 1842.1844 年,他们以1,200美元的价格从查尔斯·德莱瑟手中买下了这座房...
Unit symbol or abbreviation Quantity ampere A electric current ampere-hour Ah electric charge ampere-second.Seecoulomb. amperes per meter A/m magnetic field strength amperes per square meter A/m2 current density amperes per volt.Seesiemens.
Unit symbol or abbreviation Quantity ampere A electric current ampere-hour Ah electric charge ampere-second.Seecoulomb. amperes per meter A/m magnetic field strength amperes per square meter A/m2 current density amperes per volt.Seesiemens.
In any case, the image remains a long lasting symbol of America's exuberance at the end of a long struggle. 不管怎么说,这张照片依然是美国人在结束一场长期斗争时欢喜若狂的永久象征。 The photograph that allowed geniuses to have a sense of humor 一张让天才有了幽默感的照片 While Einstein cert...
2) Standing in the center of the square, the tower is the symbol of the city. 3) Lost in thought, he almost ran into the car in front of him. 4) They worked day and night to save more people who got infected with the virus. 5) The teacher went into the classroom, followed by...
First,Icanseeabigpictureofthefatladyattheentranceofourschoollibrary.ThenwhenIwalkintothelibrary,mytriptoHogwartsstarts.Everythinginthelibraryisredandgold(金色的).Thereisalargefireplace(壁炉)onthewall.Andthereisalsoapictureofaliononthewall.Itisasymbol(象征)ofGryffindor,oneoftheFourHousesofHogwarts. Ialsosee...