dynamic(kinematic) viscosity 动态粘度 centistoke (unit of kinematic viscosity) 厘斯托克 相似单词 centipoise n. 百分之一泊(黏滞性单位),厘泊 viscosity n. 1.【术】黏稠;黏性 2.粘质;粘性 dynamic adj. 1. 有活力的,强有力的 2. 不断变化的 3. 动力的,动态的 4. 充满活力的;精力充沛的 5...
英语解释 a unit of measurement for viscosity 相似短语 viscosity unit 粘度单位 unit of viscosity phr. 黏度单位 reyn(unit of dynamic viscosity) 雷恩 centipoise(unit of dynamic viscosity) 厘泊 rein unit of viscosity 粘因 British viscosity unit 【化】 英国粘度单位 centistoke (unit of ...
CGS Unit of Viscosity The cgs unit of viscosity is poise (P), which has been used in honour of French physiologist Jean Léonard Marie Poiseuille. It is also commonly used as centipoise (cP), particularly in ASTM standards. The cgs unit for kinematic viscosity is stoke (St) and has been...
Units for viscosity are often measured in centipoise (1/100th of a poise). Typical Viscosity Values Most liquids have viscosities between 1 and 1,000 mPa s while gasses have low viscosity, usually between 1-10 μPa s. The viscosity of water is about 1.0020 mPa s while the viscosity of ...
1 centipoise (1cP) = 1 mPascal. Second (1mPa.s) 100 centipoise (100cP) = 1 poise (1P) 1000 mPascal. Second (1000mPa.s) = 1 Pascal. Second (1Pa.s) Conversion of dynamic viscosity and kinematic viscosity: η = ρ.ρ. Where η --- Specimen dynamic viscosity (mPa.s) ...
istheSIunitofviscosity, equivalenttonewton-secondpersquare metre(N·sm –2 ).Itissometimesreferred toasthe“poiseuille”(symbolPl). Onepoiseisexactly0.1Pa·s.One poiseuilleis10poiseor1000cP,while 1cP=1mPa·s(onemillipascal-second). Dynamicviscositysymbolcentipoiseequivalent 1kilogram-forcesecondper...
viscosity [vis-kos´ĭ-te] resistance to flow; a physical property of a substance that is dependent on the friction of its component molecules as they slide by one another. Miller-Keane Encyclopedia and Dictionary of Medicine, Nursing, and Allied Health, Seventh Edition. © 2003 by Saun...
Convert any measure unit of surface, flow rate, density, energy, force, length, mass, torque, power, pressure, temperature, speed, angular velocity, cinematic viscosity, dinamci viscosity: kw, cv, N, lbf, nmi, erg, btu, Pa, mmhg, mmh20, mca...
viscosity (vɪsˈkɒsɪtɪ) n,pl-ties 1.the state or property of being viscous 2.(General Physics)physics a.the extent to which a fluid resists a tendency to flow b.Also called:absolute viscositya measure of this resistance, equal to the tangential stress on a liquid undergoing...
1) centipoise(unit of dynamic viscosity) 厘泊例句>> 2) cP (centipoises) 厘泊(粘度单位)3) cp 厘泊(物理粘度单位)4) li [英][li:] [美][li] 厘 例句>> 5) reyn 英制绝对粘度单位(=68.950厘泊)6) poise [英][pɔɪz] [美][pɔɪz] 泊 例句>> 补充资料:《厘正按摩要术》...