In vitro studies have thoroughly documented age-dependent impact of storage lesions in packed red blood cells (pRBC) on erythrocyte oxygen carrying capacity. While studies have examined the effect of pRBC age on patient outcome only few data exist on the microcirculation as their primary site of ...
Early transfusion especially promotes ARDS, while each unit of PRBC increases the risk by 6% [27], which might lead to more conservative transfusion strategies. The prevention of respiratory failure can reduce ICU LOS by 43% (-4.9 days; 6.6 days instead of 11.5 days), which could be ...
There were no significant differences between the two age groups in terms of ECMO support duration, the daily rate of PRBC transfusion, and the total amount of transfused PRBC, FFP, or cryoprecipitate units (Table 1). Table 3. Bivariate analysis of factors associated with ICU mortality. ...