在ABAP On-Premises 系统下,我们可以轻易在 SAPGUI 里对 Unit of Measure数据库表即 T006 进行维护: [图片] ABAP 数据库表 T006 是 SAP 系统中的一个重要数据表,它用于存储与度量单位相关的信息。在 SAP 系统中,度量单位用于表示各种物料、服务和计量单位。这些信息对于物料管理、计划、制造、销售、采购等业务...
\begin{tabular}{c|c}[t]&s\\{[I]}&A\\\relax[m]&kg\end{tabular} Using the subfigure package: Thesubfigurepackage is long outdated, and will generate a 'Illegal unit of measure' error when there is no error present. An example of this is shown below: ...
For a specific product master, the feature is enabled by selecting theEnable unit of measure conversionsfield on theProduct detailspage. In this example the t-shirt has three released product variants: Large, Medium, and Small. From the Product master you can open theUnit convers...
UnitOfMeasure UnitOfMeasureId The unique identifier of a Unit Of Measure. First included in: UnitOfMeasure (this entity) Properties Ανάπτυξηπίνακα NameValue displayName Unit Of Measure ID description The unique identifier of a Unit Of Measure. isPrimaryKey true dataFormat ...
loud noise can cause loss of hearing. scientists use a unit of measure called a decibel(分贝) to measure the loudness of a sound. the sound of a quiet room, for example, measures 35 decibels. talking measures between 40 and 65 dec...
Units of Weight Metric SystemSymbol Traditional Chinese System British-American System Metric ton; tonne t Jin Long ton,UK; Short ton, US kilogramme kg Jin pound gram g grain decigram dg Ounce;oz centigram cg milligram mg Units of Area Measure Metric SystemSymbol Traditional Chinese System ...
measure vt.估量,衡量;测量 operation n.行动,活动;手术;操作 overseas adv.在海外,在外国 site n.场所,地点 process n.过程,进程 battle n.较量,竞争;斗争;战斗 duty n.职责,义务; 责任 suffering n.(肉体或精神上的))痛苦;折磨 conduct vt.实施;进行;执行;vi.&vt.t指挥 protection n.保...
You can't judge a book by its cover. He is going to judge the first race. Will you judge at the Flower Show? The prisoner was taken before the judge. He was one of the judges at the horse race. in the wron...
Basket unit of account A unit of account linked to a basket of currencies.多种货币记帐单位,货币篮子记帐单位与货币篮子相关的记帐单位。Money provides a unit of account that serves as a standard to measure value.钱是一种计算单位,用这个计算单位可作为衡量价值的标准。The SDR is the ...
measure['meʒə]n.措施,方法 social['səʊʃl]adj.社会的;社交的 supply[sə'plai]v.&n.提供;供应量,补给 natural['nætʃrəl]adj.天然的;天生的 worse[wəːs]adj.&adv.更差的;更差 so far到目前为止 government['gʌvənm...