UM :Unit of Measure 计量单位 CS :Case 的缩写代码,一箱(大件计量单位) EA : Each的缩写代码,说白了就是“个”数。 下面是一些常用的缩写,供参考。 Quantity dozen DZ Weight gram GR Weight pound LB Time second SE Time minute MI ...
Is EA indivisible? There are two scenarios. While creating a Bill of material - based on the configuration (see below) if you enter a quantity with decimals for a part number for which the Basic UOM is EA the system displays a message "Unit of measure EA does not support decimal places...
Vendor Communication is maintained in "Portuguese language-PT", while creation of Scheduling agreement system will given the below error, bcz Scheduling agreement will taken the Langause from vendr master "Unit of measure EA not defined for language PT" Table 006A contains no entry for this unit...
The price on a piece of cheese depends on its weight, while a retailer may also want to offer a buy one get one free discount. In other words, price depends on unit of measure "pounds", while B1G1 free discount rests on unit of measure "ea"....
A unit of measure (UOM) is the unit that any given item can be packaged into, or built into a product assembly. For example, you can package drinks in a single can, two-liter bottle, or other six pack. In manufacturing assemblies or BOMs, each child comp
Creating Monetary Measurement Unit (MMU) as the Global Universal Measure for Hedging against Inflation and Currency Riskdoi:10.28934/ea.20.53.1.pp179-186UNITS of measurementMONEYINTERNATIONAL competitionGOVERNMENT securitiesPRICE levelsThe paper presents an indicator created ...
What is Unit of Measure (UOM) and how to create it? InSAPto measure the quantity of the material unit of measure is used. In other words unit of measure is used to express the quantity. for example, weight is a physical quantity and kilogram is a unit of weight that represents a def...
If your system doesn't already include the most used units of measure for the metric system and/or the US customary system (USCS), the Unit setup wizard can help you get started with basic unit definitions and conversions. To complete the wizard, selectUnit creation wizardon the Acti...
Unit Of Measure in ESG data model 發行項 2024/11/05 3 位參與者 意見反應 本文內容 Traits Attributes TraitsTraits for this entity are listed below. is.CDM.entityVersion 展開資料表 ParameterValueData typeExplanation versionNumber "4.3" string semantic version number of the entity is.localized...
1中国大米,500公吨,麻袋装,以毛作净ChinaRiceingunnybagsof500m/t,grossfornet2中国大米,1000公吨,卖方可溢装或短装5%ChinaRice1000m/t,with5%moreorlessatseller’soption3AAA精密高速自动冲床机一台AAA’sprecisionhighspeedautomaticpress1set.SectionOneCalculatingUnitsofQuantityoftheGoods •Becausedifferent...