For this reason ,some courses in transport phenomena emphasize only the determination of the heat-transfer coefficient and leave the actual designprocedure to a course in unit operations .正因如此,传递现象的一些课程只强调传热系数的决定而把真正的设计步骤留给单元操作中的一个课程。is of cource a “...
Mass. Massachusetts 美国马萨诸塞州州名(麻省) mass customerization 大量定制 最新单词 coefficient of autocorrelation的中文意思 自相关系数 coefficient of association的中文意思 伴联系数,相关系数,相联系数 coefficient of apparent expansion的中文意思 表观膨胀系数 coefficient of alienation的中文意思 离异系...
常用单位换算表(Common unit conversion table)Volume conversion 1 GI, =0.118 litres (1), 1 pints (PT), =0.473 litres (1)1 quarts (QT) =0.946 liters (1), 1 Gal (Gal) =3.785 liters (1)1 barrels (BBL) =0.159 cubic meters (M3) =4 2 American gallons (Gal)1 acres. Feet...
height of a (mass) transfer unit (HTU)【化】 传质单元高度 point unit heat transfer coefficient质点传热系数 transfer heat热迁移 heat transfer换热,热传递,传热 transfer of heat传热 unit of transfer传输单位,传送单位 transfer unit传质单元 heat unit热量单位 ...
cell size, density, modulus of elasticity parameter determines the unit length, mass, moment of inertia of section, polar moment of inertia to get overall quality, the stiffness matrix of the rotor and gyro array [7]. Among them, setting and experiment of magnetic bearing stiffness coefficient...
11 principles of heat flow in fluids Typical heat-exchange equipment Energy balances Heat flux and heat transfer coefficients Overall heat-transfer coefficient/individual heat-transfer coefficients Symbols Problems References 12 heat transfer to fluids without phase change Boundary layers Heat transfer by fo...
Conversionofheattransfercoefficient 1thousandcard/M2M.(kcal/m2*h)=1.16279watt/M2(w/m2) 1thousandcard/(M2ccc)[1kcal/(m2.H.C)] = 1.16279 watts / (M 2 Kelvin) [w/ (m2, K)] 1 British thermal units / (feet 2. F. F) [Btu/ (ft2. H. C).] ...
力学单位支持的有:加速度(Acceleration),角加速度(Angular Acceleration),角速度(Angular Velocity),力(Force),质量惯性(Moment of Inertia),功率(Power), 压力(Pressure), 扭矩(Torque),速度(Velocity)。 压力值转换 热学单位支持的有:热通量密度(Heat Flux Density),热传导系数(Heat Transfer Coefficient),特热能...
Conversion of heat transfer coefficient 1 thousand card / M 2 M. (kcal/m2 * h) =1.16279 watt / M 2 (w/m2) 1 thousand card / (M 2 c c c) [1kcal/ (m2. H. C)] = 1.16279 watts / (M 2 Kelvin) [w/ (m2, K)] 1 British thermal units / (feet 2. F. F) [Btu/ (ft...
For this reason ,some courses in transport phenomena emphasize only the determination of the heat-transfer coefficient and leave the actual designprocedure to a course in unit operations . 正因如此,传递现象的一些课程只强调传热系 数的决定而把真正的设计步骤留给单元操作中的一个课程。 is of cource ...