SOLUTION: A center computer 103 receives electric power demand data from a computer 123-1 of a customer 120-1, receives electric power supply data from a computer 113 of a power supply company 110, calculates the CO2 emission variation which is indirectly emitted by the customer 120-1, ...
原文(英语): the amount of CO2 emissions per unit of energy consumed directly by the vehicle or indirectly更多: 翻译结果(简体中文)1: 每单位能源的二氧化碳排放量的车辆直接或间接消耗更多: 翻译结果(简体中文)2: ...
学术英语(理工)详解答案-Unit-3 学术英语(理工)详解答案-Unit-3 Unit3ListeningtoLectures UnitContents 1Preparingforlisteningtoalecture2Payingattentiontotheintroduction3Understandingtheideasthroughexamples4Followingalecturethroughsignalwords5Memorizingthepointsbytakingnotes Unit3ListeningtoLectures 1Preparingforlistening...
36、 been replaced with ethanol in automotive fleet, which has saved dollars since 1975 and of CO2. Thats of the CO2 emissions across the entire country. Brazil is only of the worlds CO2 emission.,Complete the blanks and table with what you hear.,3 Understanding the ideas through examples,...
学术英语(理工)详解答案-Unit-3.ppt,Unit 3 Listening to Lectures 4 In Brazil, of the gasoline has been replaced with ethanol in automotive fleet, which has saved dollars since 1975 and of CO2. That’s of the CO2 emissions across the entire country. Brazil
2-4(2017江苏,阅读理解D,★★★)While clean energy is increasingly used in ourdaily life,global warming will continue for some decades after CO2,emissions(排放)___. 2-5(★★★)The Group of Seven major industrial countries concluded its annual___meeting last Friday. 知识点3date from追溯到…...
His work has highlighted the urgent need to reduce our CO2 emissions and switch to greener energy. He has also shown intensive farming's role in the dramatic levels of species decline and biodiversity loss. Much of what he writes is in line with my stand. 1___It is undeniable that the...
? 2) air conditioners, washing machines laptop, desktop Because they use less electricity and water, hence there are few CO2 impacts Wasting time and producing CO2 emissions Unit 1 》Part III 》 Listening 2 Listen to Part 3 of Listening 2 and complete the following paragraph. 10 useless; ...
1: burning of the forests/tree removal (deforestation)/reduction of the world's rain forests 2: global warming/greenhouse effect/emissions of CO2 Part II The Earth at risk (I) A. Keys: 1. a. More people---more firewood---fewer trees b. More ...
4 In Brazil, of the gasoline has been replaced with ethanol in automotive fleet, which has saved dollars since 1975 and of CO2. That’s of the CO2 emissions across the entire country. Brazil is only of the world’s CO2 emission.