I want to convert:Japanese yen (JPY)British pound (GBP)Euro (EUR)Chinese renminbi (CNY)U.S. dollar (USD)Afghan afghani (AFN)Albanian lek (ALL)Algerian dinar (DZD)Angolan kwanza (AOA)Argentine peso (ARS)Armenian dram (AMD)Aruban florin (AWG)Australian dollar (AUD)Azerbaijani manat (AZN)...
Convert units on the fly with the best all-in-one unit converter app. Convert and copy to clipboard length, area, volume, energy, speed, and more. Enjoy free experience! Convert units effortlessly with our powerful and intuitive unit conversion app. Seamlessly convert between length, area, vol...
Deprecated. Moved to https://github.com/linglongdev - linglong-hub/io.github.qt-unit-converter at a837a45ecf52e8a3b44161916d6fb41cdad95c79 · martyr-deepin/linglong-hub
Cyl-Tec’s Gas and Unit Converter is a comprehensive mobile app that combines a gas convertor, a unit calculator, and a Cyl-Tec product guide all into one! A great resource for professionals in the compressed gas industry, as well as for professors, teachers, and students. The gas convert...
{ "mile", 125d / 201168 }, // strings automatically cast to UnitFactorSynonyms { new UnitFactorSynonyms("in", "inch"), 5000d / 127 }, }; public DistanceConverter(string leftUnit, string rightUnit) { Instantiate(units, leftUnit, rightUnit); } public DistanceConverter() { Instantiate(...
USBCAN USB to CAN converter CANABLE transceiver debugger protocol analyzer socketcan compatible PCANUSD 8.19/piece GRBL expansion board MKS DLC v2.1 motherboard CNC machine supplies controller MINI Servo laser head module Z probe setting toolUSD 15.60-40.80/piece ...
Display App to read room values and to adjust the temperature setpoint.Type Overview Type Communication Voltage output Measured values Setpoint Display type P-22RTM-1900A-1MP-Bus 3 x 0...5 V, 0...10 V,2...10 V CO₂, Temperature, Relative humidity, Dew point Temperature Belimo Disp...
VSDVariablespeeddrive,alsocalledasfrequencyconverterisusedto regulatethespeedandtorqueofamechanicalequipment. Relateddocuments ManualsandguidesCode(English) ABBAbility™MACHsense-R(MSR1608)Dataacquisitionunitquick4MSL0031 installationandstart-upguide FormoreinformationaboutMACHsense-R,gotoABBwebsite: ...
USBCAN USB to CAN converter CANABLE transceiver debugger protocol analyzer socketcan compatible PCANUSD 7.80/piece GRBL expansion board MKS DLC v2.1 motherboard CNC machine supplies controller MINI Servo laser head module Z probe setting toolUSD 15.60-40.80/piece ...
Converter Bluetooth / NFC ZIP-BT-NFC NFC connection Service Belimo equipment marked with the NFC logo can be operated and parametrised with the Belimo Assistant App.Requirement: - NFC- or Bluetooth-capable smartphone - Belimo Assistant App (Google Play & Apple AppStore) Align NFC-capable smartphon...