?opening?n.开始beginning;机会chance;通路;空缺的职位?adj.开始的。?sickleave?病假;病假工资sickdays,sickpay?aide?n.副官;助手?layoff?解雇;休息;停止工作break,dismissal?Access?vt.使用;存取;接近,寻找信息findinformation,ontheinternet?n.进入;使用权;通路haveaccessto使用;接近;可以利用 accessment...
I plan to work part-time as a home health-care aide. Then, I am going to get my degree in traditional Chinese medicine and become a pharmacist. I will use my knowledge to help people maintain their health. My family is also very important to me. With the knowledge I learn, I hope ...
What jobs are these people doing? Discuss them with a partner.A1LESSONA skill is something you can do, such as use a computer or write a report. What skills are required for each job above? Discuss your ideas with a small group.B1LESSON 3、Below is a list of job titles. Work in ...
I volunteered as an aide (助手) at the Champlain Center and enjoyed being able to help old people with arts and crafts (工艺美术). In this position, I helped them go for field trips and visit local musical events and museums. If the St. John Center has a need for a volunteer, I wo...
Think of four more jobs and write what each person does.H1LESSONEXAMPLE: _1. _2. _3. _4. _A farmer grows fruits and vegetables.Vocabulary administrative a. 管理的,行政的aide n. 助手bookkeeper n. 记账员construction n. 建设,建筑crime n. 犯罪 10、,罪行custodian n. 看管人,管理人,保管...
1 ❖Lead-inActivity❖Warm-up❖ListeningTask❖RealWorldListening❖InteractionLink❖UsefulExpressions❖AdditionalListening❖HomeworkConversation 2021/3/11 2 Lead-inActivity Brainstormthewordsthatarerelatedtojobs.Possibleanswers:courier,skiinstructor,teacher,driver,computerprogrammer,photographer,flight...
I was a volunteer fire aide in New York, and was studying at Mission College. As a firefighter, you should always think of other people and try to help other people.One night after going to class, I was walking home and decided to stop off at a fast food restaurant. I lived in an...
most powerful in the white house-top aide-decides who sees the president national security council (NSC) advises president in matter of national security and crisis-national security advisor: answers to the POTUS, free from congressional oversight office of management and budget (OMB) assist the pr...
Unit2JobsandCareers Unit2JobsandCareers Inthisunit,youwill ■ ■ ■■■ ■ firstlisten,andthenlearntoaskaboutjobopportunitiesandgoforjobinterviews;readaboutonlinejobapplicationsandfirstjobexperiences;learnnewwordsandexpressions;writeyourownrésumé;visitCultureSalonforsomenewtermsincareers;checkgoals.Unit2Jobs...
1st test - nurse aide class 153個詞語 Cheyenne7947 預覽 health psych-substance use among college students 22個詞語 Danielle_Losier 預覽 english vocab unit 1 8個詞語 abelxotrilogy 預覽 Spring 18 24個詞語 Matt_S328 預覽 Dual Enrollment English Literary Term 141個詞語 Tylertyy 預覽 Health final 66...