this choice isn't easy when those two paths look similar. Presented with two job offers, for instance we may wonder exactly what it is we're choosing between What if, in choosing one, we are unknowingly turning do...
Actually choosing a major with high-paying career won’t guarantee you a high-paying job. It depends on position openings and your competitors when you graduate. 2 You want to pick something that interests you, but you need to be sure you won’t get sick of it as time progresses. 3 ...
Threepeoplearebeinginterviewedabouthobbies.Nowlistentotherecording.Tick(?)thestatementthatbestsumsupwhatthepeoplesay.B.Ahobbyissomethingyouchoosetodo.Ahobbyisasport.Ahobbycanbeajob.1.2.3.? playingbasketballplayingchessplayingtheguitarswimmingtravellingrunning?RobertZoeJonathanListenagainandfindoutwhohasthesehobbies...
2When the job market worsens, many students calculate they can’t major in English or history. (Para. 1) Meaning:When there are fewer job openings, many college students make a judgment from the situation and think they can’t study English or history as their major. Meaning beyond words:...
Employers: Find Surveys For This Job Employers: Price Your Company Jobs Employees: View your Salary Get accurate pay by adjusting the below factors.Change Search Criteria Search Check out Registered Nurse (RN), Critical Care Unit (CCU) Job Openings in New York Travel Nurse - Critical ...
The job market is quietly creating thousands of openings a week for people who can bring a humanist’s grace to our rapidly evolving high-tech future. Your skills will be valuable to any workplace you hope to be in. Chase after your dream major with all your energy, no matter what ...
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Check outBusiness Unit Financial Controller, Sr.Job Openings inthe United States Family Office Financial Controller Palo Alto Staffing-SAN FRANCISCO, CA Apply Now Sr. Business Financial Manager with Security Clearance Indus Technology Inc-WASHINGTON D.C, DC ...
Well if you hear of any job openings, let me know, OK? Sure, send me your resume, and I'll let people know you're looking. Thanks. *** üUnit3 Part2 Listening Story of Lang Lang Lang Lang is one of the world's greatest concert pianists. His first contact with western...
5Knowledgeispowerandeducationwillalways_p_a_y_o_ff_i_n_a__lo_n_g_-_te_r_m_.Nowwatchitagainandcheckyouranswers.Unit3 Unemployment •TextA –Criticalreadingandthinking–Difficultsentences–Englishlanguagefor academicpurpose •Specializedvocabulary•Collocations•Signpostlanguage•FormalEnglish Unit3...