AP World History复习提纲(unit 3~uint4) theme 1 Humans and the environment theme 2 cultural developments and interactions(important) theme3 governance Centralizing Control In Europe: King James1 believed in the divine right of kings, a common calim from the Middle Ages that the riught to rule...
AP World History: MyLab Exam Chapter 14 25個詞語 owls8654 預覽 The Russian Revolution: 1905 to 1924 88個詞語 Paula_Hazell 預覽 Causes and Effects of the Great Depression and Totalitarianism 29個詞語 Braylon_Mcmorris 預覽 russian rev vocab 15個詞語 quizlette3269717 預覽 Russian revolution skeleton...
ap world unit 5 part 1 106個詞語 monica2007furey 預覽 Warfare Areas 14個詞語 Sunflower_1122 預覽 HIST - Exam 2 22個詞語 Yesoyes 預覽 Modern World History: WWII Terms and Questions + Nanjing reading + Home Front + Stages of the Holocaust + Turning Points of the War 60個詞語 Shriya_Aruva...
3 公司 ETS美国教育考试服务中心 Ü 简介: 受ETS聘请为国内唯一AP美国历史考试阅卷官,College Board官方认证美史和世界史教师,拥有多年执教经验,精... 更多a 微关系 她的关注(664) 黄若軒卍 刘雅瑟 林哥观察 亲爱的淳子 她的粉丝(34.5万) 用户7739971506 饰品 shl00318029 法师与生活死磕...
the world's top prize in architect. 普利兹克建筑奖是世界最高建筑师奖。 Instead of looking toward the west for inspiration, Wang tries to develop a new language for Chinese architecture. 王没有向西方寻求灵感,而是试图为中国建筑开发一种新语言。 He roots his works in Chinese history and culture,...
3. dilemma n.进退两难的境地;困境 1).面临左右为难的境地:face a dilemma 2).处于进退两难的境地: be in dilemma 3).道德困境: a moral dilemma 研讨会上这位专家的缺席使我们进退两难。 The expert’s absence from the seminar puts us in a...
答案Para.1CPara.2APara.3DPara.4B 2.Whatisthemainideaofthepassage? ExtinctionsarenotunusualinourEarth’shistory.Butwehumanscantakeactiontostop destroyingtheplanetweliveontoavoidasixthextinction. Activity2Careful-readingfordetails Ⅰ.Readparagraph1anddothefollowingexercises. 1.Readthefirstparagraphandfillinth...
You can learn a lot about the world's culture there. 你可以在那里了解到世界各地的文化。 The UK also has many places of natural beauty, such as the Lake District. 英国同时也有许多自然风光,例如湖区。 You can see swans and other wild birds on the lakes there. 你可以在那里的湖边看见天鹅以...
单句语法填空(1)Theterribleaccidentresultedcarelessdriving.(2)Theterribleaccidentresultssixdeaths.(3)Hestudiesveryhard.Asresult,henowspeaksbrilliantEnglish.(4)Hehasapreferenceforliteratureasaresulttheinfluencefromhismother.frominaof 教材原句p.40 ...theUKisalsooftenreferredtoasBritainorGreatBritain. ……联合...
人教版高中英语选择性必修第三册精品课件 Unit 3 分层跟踪检测(3)A级必备知识基础练 Ⅰ.单句语法填空1.Theheadwentonatourofinspection(inspect)ofalltheclassrooms.2.Environmentalconservation(conserve)hasbeenapublicconcerninrecentyears.3.Underthenewregulations(regulation)spendingonofficeequipmentwillbestrictlycontrolled...