I have three words for people like this: please stop it. 对于这样的人,我只想说三个字,请停止。 If you want to leave a mark on the world, do it by changing someone's life with kindness and love. 如果你想在这个世界上留下印记,那就用善良和爱来改变别人的生活。 Pass kindness along to ...
Dear Xiao Li, 亲爱的小李: My time here in China is going well. I love my new school and classmates. 我在中国过得很愉快。我喜欢我的新学校和同学。 Over the October holiday, my parents and I are planning to go to Xi'an to see the Terracotta Army. 我和父母计划在国庆假期去西安参观兵马...
On what date are you travelling? 当然可以,先生。您哪天出发? On the 23rd of December. 12月23号。 There are two flights that day: one in the morning at 9:30 and the other in the afternoon at 5:00. Which do you prefer? 当天有两个航班:一个是早上9点半,另一个是下午5点,您需要哪个?
France is in Western Europe. It is a country with many beautiful places. Paris is the capital of France. Here you will find many famous places of interest such as the Eiffel Tower. You can go to the Louvre Museum if you like...
Unit2 Travelling aroundPERU is a country on the Pacific coast of South America with three main areas : narrow, dry, flat
A shortflightfrom Cusco takes you from the Andes into the Amazon rainforest. From there,you’llspendone day travelling by boatto youraccommodationin the middle ofthe forest. You can thenspendthree days exploring the rai...
Unit 2 Travelling Around SectionⅠListening and Spe Ifyouareplanningontravelling,thereareafewsimplerulesabouthowtomakelifeeasierbothbeforeandafteryourjourney.Firstofall,alwayscheckanddoublecheckdeparturetime.Itissurprisingthatfewpeoplereallydothiscarefully.OnceIarrivedattheairportafewminutesafterten.Mysecretary...
Unit2Travelling aroundPERUisacountry onthePacificcoastofSouthAmerica withthreemain areasnarrow,dry,flatlandrunning alongthecoast»theAndes Mountains,and theAmazonrainforest.秘鲁是一个位于南美洲太平洋海岸的国家,主要有三个地区狭窄的、干燥的、平坦的陆地沿海岸延伸,安第斯山脉和亚马逊雨林In the1400sand1500s,Pe...
UNIT 2 TRAVELLING AROUND 课文译文 Reading andThinking PERU is a country on the Pacific coast of South America with three main areas: narrow, dry, flat land running along the coast, the Andes Mountains, and the Amazon rainforest. 秘鲁是位于南美洲太平洋沿岸的一个国家,由三个主要地区构成:狭窄的...