Productivity accelerator. Innovation catalyst. Creative collaborator. Whatever your vision for AI, Unisys provides the solutions. expertise and tools to realize the full business potential of your organization. Learn more Logistics Optimization Keep cargo moving — despite disruptions. Discover how patent-...
Whether you migrate from on-premises to public or private cloud, you can do it safely and securely with Unisys. Benefits: Reduce costs and improve efficiency Enhance performance and user satisfaction Speed up time to market Boost user engagement and loyalty Innovate and securely deploy features ...
CompuGain joined Unisys in December 2021 to provide our clients with a more comprehensive range of experiences and improve the delivery of rapid and agile cloud migration, application modernization and data value realization. To learn more ...
商标名称 UNISYS 国际分类 第07类-机械设备 商标状态 商标已注册 申请/注册号 65001896 申请日期 2022-05-31 申请人名称(中文) 济南泓升仪器有限公司 申请人名称(英文) - 申请人地址(中文) 山东省济南市历下区奥体西路1222号力高国际花园10号楼602室 申请人地址(英文) - 初审公告期号 1810 初审公告日期 2022...
Unisys(Shanghai)Information Technology Company Limited 登记机关 自由贸易试验区市场监督管理局 注册地址 中国(上海)自由贸易试验区盛夏路399弄1号楼2层附近公司 经营范围 计算机软件的开发、设计、制作,销售自产产品,系统集成,数据处理,网络设备的安装、调试和维护,软件以及软件开发相关设备和硬件的批发、进出口、佣金...
Define Unisys. Unisys synonyms, Unisys pronunciation, Unisys translation, English dictionary definition of Unisys. Edgar Rice 1875-1950. American writer best known for creating the character Tarzan in his novel Tarzan of the Apes . , John 1837-1921. Amer
The engagement starts with a pre-workshop questionnaire which helps Unisys assess where the client is on their Copilot journey. Once this has been returned, a workshop will take place to conduct a deep dive into each of the questionnaire sections and begin to build a picture of the busines...
Unisys Managed Meeting Rooms offering is a comprehensive end to end service that provides businesses with the tools and resources they need to create a productive and efficient meeting environment. Unisys brings proven expertise through decades of experience in IT ser...