UniSA 学年通常分为以下几个学期: • Semester 1(第一学期):2月至6月 • Semester 2(第二学期):7月至11月 • Summer School(暑期课程):12月至次年1月 某些课程可能仅在特定学期提供,需提前规划避免错过。 4. 关注课程模式 UniSA 的课程模式分为线下课堂、在线课程和混合模式: • 线下课程:需到指定...
The result of your submission will be sent to you by Unisa. If you are admitted, Unisa will inform you which qualification you have been accepted for and will give you a position for the time you applied for semester 1 of 2025 You have a certain amount of time to approve or refuse Uni...