Be Mindful cards offer you 50 ways to be present to your life as it is actually taking place. These cards help you be in the here and now with less thinking about the past or worrying about the future. You can use these daily mindfulness strategies when you re feeling anxious, moody, ...
Our goal here is to move you beyond the basic concept of turning every pair of socks in the same direction and stacking them in your dresser drawer next to your semi-neatly folded underwear. There’s much better ways to get it done using some neatdresser alternatives. Let’s look at thos...
I am sure all my friends will want to know where I got these great clothes & I will be sure to tell them!! I will continue to visit your website for future purchases & thanks again...when the weather turns cool in Ohio, these two things will be staples in my wardrobe!!
In addition to being avid crafters, we’re also totally nostalgic photo lovers. If you ask us, there’s nothing better than merging the two in order to use our DIY skills to better display our favourite photos in more interesting ways than just a single photo frame hung on the wall. Tha...
Venetians put two weeks aside to party. Back in the 12th century when this first became of thing, lent was a party-free zone. It also meant you couldn’t eat any rich food so to make up for what they’d be missing, Venetians would cram all their wild ways into the two weeks befo...
From countertop pizza makers to a doggie DNA test, these compelling presents will be a hit. Kara Birnbaum / TODAY /Updated ByDaley QuinnandAudrey Ekman Daley Quinn Daley is a freelance journalist and editor who covers beauty, wellness, lifestyle and more. ...
Hang this Santa hat filled with reindeer on your front door — your Christmas visitors won’t be able to resist the cute critters peeking out at them. This clever arrangement is made even more charming with thoughtful details such as straight stick antlers, checkered ribbon tassels, and a vi...
11 Best Kamado Grills for Al Fresco Cooking How to Clean Your BBQ Grill The Best Meat Thermometers for Precise Control The Best Outdoor Gas Grills to Rule Any Cookout The Best Cast-Iron Skillets for Any Recipe The Best Small Grills to Fit Your Tiny Space ...
This flash drive bySanDiskis one of the easiest ways to store videos and photos from your iPhone. It plugs right into your phone, so you don’t need to transfer everything to a computer first. It’s especially great for trips, since it’s so small and light. ...
or simply hang out at night in Hangzhou. Just before sunset, vendors in their makeshift stalls start popping up with a vast array of goods. About four hundred in total, the Wushan Night Market has a festive, carnival-like atmosphere. Find bargains on clothes, handmade souvenirs, and antiques...