Be Mindful cards offer you 50 ways to be present to your life as it is actually taking place. These cards help you be in the here and now with less thinking about the past or worrying about the future. You can use these daily mindfulness strategies when you re feeling anxious, moody, ...
Before doing so, measure out where each artwork should go – make sure there is enough space between them for them both to be seen clearly. If possible hang them at eye level so they are easy for everyone in the room to appreciate. You can use either nails or picture hooks depending on...
From dog-friendly cottages containing lots of little luxuries to hot tub hideaways that hang over secret Cornish beaches, what lovers don’t wish for a winter getaway? 1st November 2022 by Vanessa The Unique guide to autumn Autumn´s here, bringing hallways lined with wellies and walls hung...
Also called poster hanging rods, metal hanging rods are metal tubes that pop open with slits big enough to hold the top and bottom edges of an art print in place. They make it easy to hang and display your prints in various ways, such as by using hanging rails, attaching them to a w...
5 Unique Ways To Style Rugs and Textiles When you see a rug that you love, you likely think of which floor in your home it would look the best on. This is completely normal because area rugs are for the floor, right? They aren’t always! If you want to get creative, you can use...
These creative ideas will inspire you to use your LEGO bricks in awesome new ways. Read More Photo Credit: Etsy Baseball Keychains Made With REAL Baseballs Whether your tween is a fan of baseball or plays baseball, this Baseball Keychain Made with Real Baseballs would make a cool ...
Have no fear. Get out the hammer and nails and start adding character to your home!! Here are some of my favorite ways to add unconventional art to your walls! Unconventional Art Ideas- #1- Hang Cutting Boards Cutting boards are a great way to fill up the walls around your kitchen and...
Shop for products created with VR Art exclusively from Zandy XR! Leather bags, Dresses, Skirts, Designer Shoes, Masks, Raincoats and Umbrellas, and Home Accents. Shop the Artisan collection where all products are handcrafted and shipped from London.
One of the simplest ways to give your engagement ring design a bit of unique flair is by including some eye-catching accent stones. These small gems come in all shapes and sizes, and including them in interesting arrangements can make a huge style difference. ...
Freshen Up Your Ride: Creative Ways to Use Car Air Fresheners Feb 04, 2025 Finding the Best Car Air Freshener: What You Need to Know Finding the Best Car Air Freshener: What You Need to Know Jan 21, 2022 How can you Design your own Custom Car Air Freshener? How can you Design ...