Be Mindful cards offer you 50 ways to be present to your life as it is actually taking place. These cards help you be in the here and now with less thinking about the past or worrying about the future. You can use these daily mindfulness strategies when you re feeling anxious, moody, ...
Blue Hole or Dunn’s River Falls, both near Ocho Rios, are fun ways to cool off in the water. The Rose Hall Great House is beautiful (and its story is scary)—but everyone comes out alive. You could also book a day trip to Appleton Rum Estate and tour the distillery(酿酒厂)....
RELATED:If you’re looking for even more unique ideas on how to give money as a gift, headto:Creative Money Gift Ideas. 75 Fun Ways to Give Money for All Occasions.
Valentine’s Dayor simply because you want to, there is nothing more pleasing than seeing a bunch of fresh flowers in a vase taking prime position in the kitchen for all to see. It’s one thing to give someone a nice bunch of flowers, but often it is the wrapping that lets you down...
Find the Perfect Gift for Anyone Can’t Give Her the World, so a Luxe Gift It Is Gifts for Teen Boys They’ll Use Again and Again On-Trend Gifts Tween Girls Won’t Side-Eye You For Cool Gifts for the Girl Who Already Has Everything ...
You can always play with your cat using a string, as he will love to chase the string around the room. The longer you own your cat, the more odd behavior you’ll see him exhibit. Cats behave in strange ways, although they always have a reason for behaving the way they do. If ...
From building sets to outdoor ride-ons to craft kits, we included gifts for every interest. We added a few of the more “popular” toys to our gift list for girls 6-8, but we also included lots of quality toys that will get tons of use! Need more gift ideas, check out the ...
A complete first aid kit to keep at home or in the car Easy storage solutions While it isn't necessarily a pampering gift in the traditional sense, I do LOVE this fully customizableplanner. It feels professional and has over 100 different ways to get organized, including inserts for day, ...
“My boyfriend and I are always looking for new and fun ways to connect with each other, one of them being two-player games and puzzles,” Sales explains. “So I love that this scavenger kit has everything I need to customize a game that’s both fun and highlights what makes our rela...
These unique Valentine’s Day gift ideas can bring you closer together, help you create new memories or just show your special someone how much they mean to you.