Be Mindful cards offer you 50 ways to be present to your life as it is actually taking place. These cards help you be in the here and now with less thinking about the past or worrying about the future. You can use these daily mindfulness strategies when you re feeling anxious, moody, ...
Everyone visiting Tokyo has doubtlessly heard of the museums and zoo in Ueno Park, but there are plenty of other great, unusual ways to pass the time here, and in this article, we will cover 15 fun, unique ways to enjoy Ueno and its surrounding area.
Part of a Jewelry PieceFor those who enjoy crafts, the grommet can be incorporated into jewelry. It could be added to a bracelet or necklace as a simple charm. This type of keepsake might especially appeal to someone who prefers something subtle and personal. Each of these options allows pe...
You can use yarn or just spray them with some green paint and a little glitter and decorate with beads from old jewelry. This will look great as a dinner table display too. There are so many unique ways to decorate your home during the festive period. All you need is a little ...
You've made it to your daughter's teen years, so you know her personality and habits. It could be as simple as making sure she has an option for hanging posters that won't damage the walls or keeping coasters on the desk to avoid water rings on the wood. ...
Botley 2.0 knows multiple ways to code right out of the box—code by color, make Botley move in six directions, and even put on a light show! Discover Botley 2.0’s 16 fun interactions—transform Botley into a train, police car, ghost, and more! You can even test your memory with ...
9. How to Make a Clay Pot Jewelry Holder Transform your everyday terracotta pots into a vibrant and functional DIY Jewelry Holder with this straightforward tutorial fromMom Always Finds Out. Ideal for keeping your treasured pieces organized and accessible, this project involves painting and layering...
From bone jewelry, to ornate frames filled with specimens, you never know what you will find here! Fridays:Tarot ReaderLooking for a Tarot reader? Never had a reading before but are curious to “dip your toe in?” Have questions or feeling stuck and just wanting some confirmation or ...
Watchmakers have always worked closely with jewelers; especially as, in the past, many of them came to watchmaking from the jewelry trade. The practice of decorating watchcases by setting them with precious stones, particularly diamonds, gradually spread to embrace every part of the watch, from...
though) give her a way to clean the pieces she already has. ThisUltrasonic Jewelry Cleaneris like a gentle, miniature washing machine for her most delicate accessories, using vibration to remove dirt from all the gaps and grooves. From glasses to watch straps, they’ll be sq...