Modern Indian baby names with meanings - Most Popular Indian baby names, Hindu names, Muslim babynames, Christian babynames, Parsi babynames, twin babynames
New 2025, 10000+ Indian baby names and Hindu baby names arranged letter wise with meanings. Popular, modern, religious and ancient Indian names
Take a look at our list of largest and latest collection of unique last names, girl names and boy names. See if there’s the one you’d like to pick.
Modern Indian Boy Baby Names dictionary starting with letter 'Y' and their meanings in a simple and easy to navigate format. The list comprises of Unique boy baby names for alphabet 'Y' that are popular across the world. A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W ...
Modern Indian Boy Baby Names dictionary starting with letter 'A' and their meanings in a simple and easy to navigate format. The list comprises of Unique boy baby names for alphabet 'A' that are popular across the world. A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W ...
Modern Indian Boy Baby Names dictionary starting with letter 'W' and their meanings in a simple and easy to navigate format. The list comprises of Unique boy baby names for alphabet 'W' that are popular across the world. A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W ...
Description: Unisex version of the Irish boy name“Sean” or the English boy name“John” Unique Unisex Names Inspired By Nature Bay Origin: English nonbinary name Meaning: “A small sea inlet” or “an inlet of the sea” Pronunciation: “bay” Description: Also a last name (examples...
Indian Baby Names provided of thousands Unique and most Popular Baby Names, baby naming, name meanings, unique boys name, Baby Boy Names and Baby Girl Names with Meaning of Baby Names List.
South Indian top baby names, Indian common baby names,top 100 baby names,unusual baby names is inclusssded. You may see unique names based on languages such as Tamil,English etc. Yep, We know it is not easy finding the right South Indian nice baby name for your baby boy and girl....
YehudiHebrew— Praise to the Lord or aperson from Judah. A boy or girl’s name. YehuditJewish— A modern form of Judith. YejideYoruba— image of her mother YelenaRussian— The light of the sun. Also see Eileen, Elaine, Eleanor and Ellen. ...