However, the exact opposite is true: it’s a virtual spawn point for nomadic, horseback-riding invaders. Long before the Mongols, groups like the ancient Aryans (the historic people, not the mythologized Nazi ones) and Scythians drove down from the steppe into Europe, India, the Middle ...
Materials Needed: 2 Mucus-Slick Eggs (from Varshan) and 2 Shards of Agony (from Grigoire)2. Andariel, Maiden of Anguish Drops (Uniques & Drop Rate)Drops (Uniques & Cosmetic Rewards) Class Drop Rate (Rarity) Mythic Uniques Neseken, the Herald Spiritborn 4.5% The Grandfather Barb, Necro ...
Reaction norms for selected life history traits from Pallid Sturgeon collected in the upper and lower basins of the Missouri River. Bars indicate standard errors. Fecundity (a) is reported as the number of eggs removed during egg extraction for hatchery propagation. Life expectancy (b) was calcula...
Interbreeding experiments in which female gametes from aSarsia loveniimedusoid were crossed with male gametes from anS. loveniimedusa or vice versa resulted in successful fertilization and ultimately in viable colonies (Supplementary Information Fig.S5). Eggs did not develop in the negative control wi...
Unique systems can only spawn once per galaxy and are entirely predefined, as opposed to being randomly created. Each unique system has an unique event, anomaly or archaeology site related to it. They never appear in hyperlane choke points and a few of them require a certain distance from all...