"can't delete an incomplete type");delete_Ptr;}};
default_delete(constdefault_delete<_Up>&) noexcept { }/// Calls @c delete @p __ptrvoidoperator()(_Tp* __ptr)const{static_assert(!is_void<_Tp>::value,"can't delete pointer to incomplete type");// 79行在这里static_assert(sizeof(_Tp)>0,"can't delete pointer to incomplete type")...
1void operator()(_Ty *_Ptr) const _NOEXCEPT 2 { // delete a pointer 3 static_assert(0 < sizeof (_Ty),4"can't delete an incomplete type");5 delete _Ptr;6 } 可以看出这是⼀个函数对象,功能很简单,delete raw指针。开发⼈员可以定制⾃⼰的deleter,⼀个很简单的例...
delete<_Up>&) noexcept { } /// Calls @c delete @p __ptr void operator()(_Tp* __ptr) const {static_assert(!is_void<_Tp>::value, "can't delete pointer to incomplete type");// 79行在这里static_assert(sizeof(_Tp)>0, "can't delete pointer to incomplete type");delete __ptr...
所以真正的问题是,由于结构GLFWwindow只是一个声明,唯一指针不能在没有定义的情况下完成模板专门化。我不能使用unique_ptr声明任何指针。编译器给了我一个错误 C2027useofundefinedtype'GLFWwindow'C2338 can't delete an incomplete type C4150 deletion of pointer to incomplete type 'GLFWwindow';no destructor ...
std::unique_ptr中需要静态检测类型的大小static_assert(sizeof(Impl)>0,但是我们的Impl是一个预先声明的类型,是incomplete type,也就没法计算,所以导致报错。std::unique_ptr为啥需要计算这个: std::unique_ptr中的析构函数, 调用了默认的删除器default_delete, ...
(1)、unique_ptr<double> can hold a scalar of type double; (2)、unique_ptr<double[]> can hold an array of double values with an unknown number of elements. std::unique_ptr是C++11标准中用来取代std::auto_ptr的指针容器(在C++11中,auto_ptr被废弃)。它不能与其它unique_ptr类型的指针对象共享...
(Conversely, std::shared_ptr can't be constructed from a raw pointer to incomplete type, but can be destroyed where T is incomplete). Note that if T is a class template specialization, use of unique_ptr as an operand, e.g. !p requires T's parameters to be complete due to ADL. ...
When you instantiate the definition of the constructor std::unique_ptr<B>::unique_ptr, the definition of std::default_delete<B>::operator() is also instantiated. Within which is an assertion static_assert(sizeof(B) > 0); which checks for incomplete types. This prevents any possible delet...