TTYTDDPhoneNumbers Type (ElcFolderType) Type (String) Type (UserConfiguration) UID UID (ReminderType) UMEnabled UnifiedMessagingConfiguration UninstallApp UninstallAppResponse UniqueBody UniqueBodyType UniqueHash UniquePathId UniqueRecipients UniqueSenders UniqueUnreadSenders UnknownAttendeeConflictData UnknownEnt...
Decimal numbers with comma fail validation in German or Turkish Decryption Issue - CryptographicException: The length of the data to decrypt is not valid for the size of this key Default dateTime format for all aplication Default route not working in Asp.Net Core Delete ActionLink with confirm d...
(, which can be used online or downloaded and run from your computer. When visiting this tool, you’ll see that you can specify the criteria for your password (i.e., length, whether to include letters, numbers), and the number of ...
As @adamo'sanswerexplains,nextval(..)can be out of sync and no longer incrementing upon the max value. In my case it was due to a logical replication and switch-over, where PostgreSQLleaves all sequence numbers as they were at subscription time. For larger databases, here are some conveni...
a QR scan code (see at 14 and 16 and which can also be represented as a standard bar-type code) such as which is easily readable by a smart phone barcode scanning program or other suitable hand held scanning device, as well as corresponding UID (unique identification) numbers 18 and 20...
The numbers that I got from my much earlier synthetic single client benchmark mostly hold up. For example, the stock table's primary key is about 35% smaller, and the order line index is only about 20% smaller relative to master, which isn't quite as good as in the synthetic case, ...
So what do you think, do you have any ideas or tips for a unique business card display? If so, feel free to leave a comment! Sincerely, The Closet Entrepreneur » This entry was filed underAdviceand tagged with:advertising,bootstrapping,businesscards,recycling...
You need a value proposition and you need to communicate it clearly on all the main entry pages: homepage, product pages, category pages, etc. If you don’t state why users should buy from you, you will lose most of them. To craft a great value proposition: ...
delegation to change phone numbers Delegation to Read All Users Properties in the domain Delete a computer account Delete a SIP address from AD using PowerShell Delete AD Group Delete All Child Computer Object Vs. Delete delete bulk users from csv Delete Computer object VS Disjoin Delete deleted...
How to Insert numbers into Excel using OLEDB and C# How To insert only Newly Added Records in Excel sheet To Database Table without having unique column using C# How to insert special character as apostrophe into SQL Server database table how to insert the date entered in a textbox control...