One of my ongoing word collections is of colors. I love to stop in the paint section of a hardware store and find new names for red or white or yellow. Having a variety of color names at my fingertips helps me to create specificity in my writing. I can paint a more evocative image ...
Unusual dog names for your male or female puppies, unique dog names for your dogs of different breeds, origins, colors, size and categories.
Unique distinct values refer to a set of values that are present in a dataset or a list, without any duplicates. In other words, it's a collection of values where each value appears only once. For example, let's say you have a list of colors: Red, Blue, Green, Red, Yellow, Blue...
colors],separator:'-',length:2,};constrandomName:string=uniqueNamesGenerator({dictionaries:[adjectives,colors,animals]});// big_red_donkeyconstshortName:string=uniqueNamesGenerator(customConfig);// big-donkey
In a portrait of her dad, the stitches show a wrinkled and aging face.Cayce believes her success depends on three things: her choice of colors, the length and direction of the stitches, and her ability to make the portrait look true. She loves the surprise when people view her art. ...
Purple is also associated with the unique and exotic. It’s associated with outer space and all of its mystery. Some of this comes from it being one of the harder colors to see. That’s because purple light doesn’t exist! It would be beyond the far end of the visible spectrum, ultra...
Hi, I'm a relative novice with Excel. I have a column of hundreds of names - many of which are duplicated. Both the first name and surname are in...
One-Syllable Flower Names for Girls One-syllable namesfor your little one: Fleur –Frenchword for “flower” Phlox – the Greek word for “flame” that describes the flower’s intense colors (pink, blue, red, and white) Ren –Japanese baby boy and girl namethat can mean “lotus” or “...
Baby naming tip: When choosing baby girl names, consider using a middle name as a way to honor relatives, instead of directly naming your child after someone in your family. Using this approach also eliminates the need to differentiate between “big” and “little” at family events. ...
EDA of palettes: There are two datasets of color information, the unblended bob ross named colors, and the blended colors extracted from each painting. Here are the unique named colors, note that there are multiple white and black hexes under different names. (e.g. MidnightBlack, LiquidBlack...