I’d also like the formula to scale up or down dynamically based on the size of the input array and filter out blanks so I can simply point it at, say “A1:A” then as I add or remove values to the A column my list of unique combos updates. For example, if the input array was...
Example 16 – Using Excel UNIQUE & SORT Function to Ignore Blanks & Sort If you want to sort theuniquevalues while ignoring blanks by using theUNIQUEfunction with theFILTERfunction, follow these steps: Open your Excel workbook. Go to cellF4. Enter the followingformulato get the sortedunique v...
2.1.683 Part 1 Section, totalsRowFormula (Totals Row Formula) 2.1.684 Part 1 Section, xmlColumnPr (XML Column Properties) 2.1.685 Part 1 Section, singleXmlCell (Table Properties) 2.1.686 Part 1 Section, xmlCellPr (Cell Properties) 2.1.6...
5. Count unique distinct values in a cell range with blanks Array formula in cell D3: =SUM(IF($B$3:$B$8<>"",1/COUNTIF($B$3:$B$8, $B$3:$B$8), 0))Copy to Clipboard Watch a youtube video where I explain the formula Alternative array formula =COUNT(1/(--MATCH($B$3:$...
I am trying to count unique values in excel by using a formula. I have tried using the formula below but it returns a #DIV!/0 error because I have blanks in my range. Is there anyway to count unique values in a range with blanks by using a formula? Any help with this issue would...
11. Extract a unique distinct list sorted from A to Z ignore blanks The image above demonstrates a formula in cell D3 that extracts unique distinct numbers and text values sorted from A to Z and also ignores blank cells. Array formula in cell D3: =IFERROR(SMALL(IF((COUNTIF($D...
5. Count unique distinct values in a cell range with blanks Array formula in cell D3: =SUM(IF($B$3:$B$8<>"",1/COUNTIF($B$3:$B$8, $B$3:$B$8), 0))Copy to Clipboard Watch a youtube video where I explain the formula Alternative array formula =COUNT(1/(--MATCH($B$3:$...
5. Count unique distinct values in a cell range with blanks Array formula in cell D3: =SUM(IF($B$3:$B$8<>"",1/COUNTIF($B$3:$B$8, $B$3:$B$8), 0))Copy to Clipboard Watch a youtube video where I explain the formula Alternative array formula =COUNT(1/(--MATCH($B$3:$...
7. Extract a unique distinct list and ignore blanks Question:How do I extract a unique distinct list from a column containing blanks? Answer:Cell range B3:B12 contains several blank cells. The following formula in cell D3 extracts unique distinct values from cell range B3:B12. Unique distinct...