At the household level, it is the custom here for families to purchase chickens, sheep or goats while preparing special bread called "Diffo" in Amharic language, as well as local beverages, notably a house-made beer called "Tella" and "Tejj," a honey-wine. Coffee ceremony is an integral...
The Ethiopian epiphany (Timket in Amharic), which is largely considered as one of Ethiopia's highly rated public events, is a three-day affair involving distinctive religious and cultural activities that commemorate the baptism of Jesus Christ by John the Baptist in the River Jordan. Even though ...
At the first day of the celebration, the Ark of the Covenant replicas (Tabots in Amharic) of each church are carried out in procession to a public space where the next day's celebration will take place. A special tent is set up at the public space where each Tabot rests as members o...