* erase uses a vector operation to remove the nonunique elements*/vector<string>::iterator end_unique = unique(words.begin(), words.end());words.erase(end_unique, words.end());在STL中unique函数是一个去重函数, unique的功能是去除相邻的重复元素(只保留一个),其实它并不真正把重复...
4 * unique reorders words so that each word appears once in the 5 * front portion of words and returns an iterator one past the 6 unique range; 7 * erase uses a vector operation to remove the nonunique elements 8 */9vector<string>::iterator end_unique=unique(words.begin(),words.end...
print(np.unique(x)): The np.unique function returns the sorted unique elements of the input array x. In this case, the unique elements are 10, 20, and 30, so the output will be [10 20 30]. x = np.array([[ 1, 1], [2, 3]]): Creates a 2x2 NumPy array with elements 1, ...
A module that returns unique set of elements from an array. Latest version: 1.1.0, last published: 3 years ago. Start using unique-array-elements in your project by running `npm i unique-array-elements`. There are no other projects in the npm registry us
2. All array elements shows INDEX(List,MATCH(0,COUNTIF($B$1:B1,List),0)) in formula bar, which indicates that the range expansion mentioned above is not applicable. 3. The attached example sheet shows @ cell B2: INDEX(List,MATCH(0,COUNTIF(B1:$B$1,List),0)), while @ cell B3:...
unique-random-array Get consecutively unique elements from an array sindresorhus •4.0.0•9 months ago•1,219dependents•MITpublished version4.0.0,9 months ago1219dependentslicensed under $MIT 188,225 arr-union Combines a list of arrays, returning a single array with unique values, using ...
unique-random-array Get consecutively unique elements from an array Useful for things like slideshows where you don't want to have the same slide twice in a row. Install $ npm install unique-random-array Usage importuniqueRandomArrayfrom'unique-random-array';constrandom=uniqueRandomArray([1,2,...
Unique Values in Array Containing NaNs Define a vector containingNaN. A = [5 5 NaN NaN]; Find the unique values ofA. C = unique(A) C =1×35 NaN NaN uniquetreatsNaNvalues as distinct. Unique Elements in Presence of Numerical Error ...
In this example, the numpy.unique() function finds and returns the unique elements in the array data −Open Compiler import numpy as np # Create a one-dimensional array data = np.array([1, 2, 2, 3, 4, 4, 4, 5]) # Find unique elements unique_elements = np.unique(data) print(...
[1,2,2,3,4,4,5]));// Output the result of applying unique_Elements to an array without duplicate elementsconsole.log(unique_Elements([1,2,3,4,5]));// Output the result of applying unique_Elements to an array with negative and duplicate elementsconsole.log(unique_Elements([1,-2,-...