The deep sea, the largest biome on Earth, has a series of characteristics that make this environment both distinct from other marine and land ecosystems and unique for the entire planet. This review describes these patterns and processes, from geological settings to biological processes, biodiversity...
How does climate change affect the savanna biome? How do humans help desert biomes? Why are animals going extinct in the freshwater biomes? What are some common characteristics of temperate evergreen forest soils? What makes up a wetland?s biodiversity? How do blueberry bushes adapt in the tai...
Freshwater ecosystems harbour a rich diversity of species and habitats, despite their comparatively small share of the world’s surface (less than 1%). There is evidence that the decline in freshwater biodiversity has been greater during the last few decades than that of the marine and terrestrial...
The Kogelberg Biosphere Reserve in the Cape Floral Kingdom in South Africa is known for its unique plant biodiversity. The potential presence of unique microbial and viral biodiversity associated with this unique plant biodiversity led us to explore the fynbos soil using metaviromic techniques. In ...
The surface of Au NPs can be modified by using poly ethylene glycol (PEG) as a spacer. The amphiphilic characteristics of polymers ensure Au NPs excellent stability in physiological conditions TheansduprrfoavciedeoafmAuultifNorPmsitycaonf cobmebminaotdioinfiseodn Abyu NuPsisn. Ag gproealyt ...