当不使用unique时,则可能存在多个case语句满足表达式,此时存在优先级。当使用unique后,则设计者能够断定有且仅有一个case与case表达式相匹配,如果存在多个,则会发出警告。对于综合工具来说,使用unique后,则说明所有可能出现case情况都已经列举完毕,并且它们之间属于并行关系,综合工具将对未列举的case进行优化。 此外,综合...
SystemVerilog中的unique和priority关键字修饰符放在if,case,casez,casex语句之前,如下所示: 代码语言:javascript 复制 uniqueif(expression)statementselsestatements prioritycase(case_expression)case_item_1:case_expression_1case_item_2:case_expression_2 endcase 如果使用了if...else语句时,SystemVerilog中unique和p...
SystemVerilog中的unique和priority关键字修饰符放在if,case,casez,casex语句之前,如下所示: unique if (expression) statements else statements priority case (case_expression) case_item_1: case_expression_1 case_item_2: case_expression_2 endcase 如果使用了if...else语句时,SystemVerilog中unique和priority关...
这里的priority关键字表示所有未列出的案例都是无关紧要的,可以进行优化。结果,综合工具将只优化en,从而导致硬件与预期的硬件不同。当en = 0时,模拟器将报告警告,警告某些错误。 总结 对于综合,unique case相当于同时使用full_case和parallel_case附注;priority case等效使用full_case。但是此关键字不但减少了软件之间...
ncsim: *W,RNQUIE: Simulation is complete. priority case moduletb;bit[1:0]abc;initialbeginabc=0;// First match is executedprioritycase(abc)0:$display("Found to be 0");0:$display("Again found to be 0");2:$display("Found to be 2");endcaseendendmodule...
The first line contains a single integer t (1 <= t <= 20), the number of test cases. Each case represents a graph. It begins with a line containing two integers n and m (1 <= n <= 100), the number of nodes and edges. Each of the following m lines contains a triple (xi, ...
I have a"tasks"tablewitha priority column, which has a unique constraint. I'm trying to swap the priority value of two rows, but I keep violating the constraint. I saw this statement somewhere in a similar situation, but it wasn't with MySQL.UPDATE tasksSETpriority =CASEWHENpriority=2THEN...
SystemVerilog's priority & unique - A Solution to Verilog's "full_case" & "parallel_case" Evil Twins! Clifford E. Cummings Sunburst Design, Inc. ABSTRACT At Boston SNUG 1999, I introduced the evil twins of Verilog synthesis, "full_case" and "parallel_case.[2]" In the 1999 Boston ...
{25priority_queue<pii,vector< pii >,greater< pii > >q;26for(inti =1; i < maxn; ++i) {27d[i] =INF;28used[i] =false;29p[i] = -1;30}31d[1] =0;32q.push(make_pair(d[1],1));33intans =0;34boolisUnique =true;35while(!q.empty()) {36pair<int,int>now =q.top()...