Check out most unique Islamic girl names starting with a to z and meanings. Unique Islamic girl names are like Maryam, Huda, Zahra, Marib, Tayyiba, Aiza, Ayesha, Aqsa. You also know the little princess are the blessing of God & coolness of parents’ eyes who bring happiness and joy in...
Searching for truly unique girl names is difficult, but worthwhile. To help, check out this list of names that are beautiful, but unexpected.
Searching for unique baby girl names? Whether you're looking for a diamond in the rough or hoping to stand out, we have all kinds of rare names on our list.
10K+ Girl Names A to Z SNONAMEMEANINGRELIGION 1PriyankaDear One, Beautiful, Lovable ActHindu 2AnayaWithout A Superior, Misfortune, AdversityHindu 3AyeshaAlive, Well-Living, Happily LivingMuslim 4AngelMessenger from God; Angel; PariHindu 5AnabiaThe gate of heaven, the gate of paradiseMuslim ...
46.Zaynab. In Arabic, this unusual girls’ name means “beauty,” and it’s also the name of a fragrant flowering tree. The name would be a pretty way to honor your daughter. Edgy and Unique Baby Girl Names If you’re looking for something really different or even unusual for your bab...
letter. We’ve compiled girl names inspired by the Quran and Arabic origin. If you have keen interest for unique Islamic girl names that are taken directly from Quran, which may inspire to thrive your prince in life. Popular Quranic girl names are like Maryam, Huda, Zahra, Marib, Tayyib...
Cute Baby Girl Names Search over than16000popular, Unique or unusual pretty baby girl nameswith meanings and international origin information. All OriginAfricaAfricanAfrican-AmericanAmericanAnglo-SaxonArabicAramaicArmenianArthurianLegendAsianAssyrianAustralianBasqueBavarianBiblicalCambodianCelticChineseContemporaryCornish...
NamesGenderOrigin AadamHebrew AaliaHebrew AaminaArabic AaminahArabic AaranHebrew AbbiHebrew AbbygailHebrew AbenahirPersian AbiHebrew AbrahamHebrew AceLatin AdeleGerman AdenCeltic AdifeHebrew AditiSanskrit AdreannaFrench AdrianLatin AdriannaLatin AdrielleLatin ...
Wahida Arabic— Unique. Wakanda Sioux— inner magical power Walburga Anglo-Saxon— a mighty defender, a fortress Walda German— A ruler. Walida Arabic— The newborn girl. Wallis Old French— A foreigner, particularly a woman from Wales. Waltraud Teutonic— rule strength Wanda Aboriginal/Teutonic...
Take a look at our list of largest and latest collection of unique last names, girl names and boy names. See if there’s the one you’d like to pick.