Mickey x Keith UT(短袖)NT$590 SMART 九分褲(棉質)NT$990 (左) UV Protection Twill Cap (台灣未販售) Basquiat x WB休閒連帽上衣(長袖)NT$990 SMART 九分褲(棉質)NT$990 輕型腰包NT$390 棉質帆布休閒鞋NT$990 (右) 法蘭絨格紋襯衫(半寬角領)(長袖)NT$790 ...
UNIQLOand Jonathan Anderson’s London-based labelJW Andersonare reconnecting once again this Fall/Winter 2022, marking the 5th anniversary of the popular collaboration between the duo. For the upcoming series, JW Anderson delivers a range of simple, cozy, and accessible pieces which JWA imagines wo...