翻译 Unionpay 释义 银联
AltPayNet Gains UnionPay Acquirer Status 10/12 INQUIRER.net: Innovative and secure payment solutions for a cashless Philippines 08/04 Newsfile Corp.: Lynx Global's Bank Announces Partnership with China's UnionPay 07/30 BusinessWorld: AllBank and UnionPay International collaborate to boost digital pay...
PREMIUMYOUR WAY 機場貴賓室至尊禮遇 星巴克咖啡免費升級 1 2 3 UA Cinemas 嶄新體驗 專享電影新質感 更多 銀聯優先訂票 用銀聯信用卡接觸你的星 更多 銀聯專屬娛樂助手 輕鬆地安排您的娛樂項目 更多 Previous 赫茲全球租車禮遇 自在暢遊全球 尊享全新機場貴賓室禮遇 ...
UnionPay International provides high quality, cost effective and secure cross-border payment services to the world’s largest cardholder base and ensures convenient local services to a growing number of global UnionPay cardholders and merchants.Today, with over 8.4 billion cards issued in 61 countries...
银联(uionpay):就是中国,是指符合统一业务规范和技术标准要求,必须有银联(UnionPay)标志。Visa和MasterCard是两家国际结 …www.zhishi5.com|基于590个网页 2. 中国银联 关于使用中国银联(UnionPay)借记卡/信用卡在线入金注意事项 · 银联卡必须为拟入金交易账户的持有人本人所有。www.huanhuiguoji.com|基于124个网页...
UnionPay International (UPI) is a subsidiary of China UnionPay focused on the growth and support of UnionPay's global business. In partnership with more than 2500 institutions worldwide, UnionPay International has enabled card acceptance in 180 countries