完成它后不久,一次偶然的机会,知晓了联合太平洋的三大件:"Big Boy","Big Blow","Big Jack",前者就是大男孩,后者是DDA40X,Big Blow就是今天的主角: Union Pacific GTELs 联合太平洋铁路燃气轮机车。另一方面也是偶然得知它那10000+hp的极限功率傲视群雄,属于功率最大的机车之一(不算重联)。 关于它的图片,着实...
A BIG question that I have attended to LOGICALLY! The fox buries acorn like a squirrel and marks well the sites in memory and photo taken with brother Heng and yes along Highway 6 for this is a strong ley line and even covered with jungle can be found by my great, great, great whate...
Here tonight isPreston Sharp, a 12-year-old boy from Redding, California, who noticed that veterans’ graves were not marked with flags onVeterans Day. He decided all by himself to change that, andstarted a movementthat has now placed 40,000 flags at the graves of our great heroes. Prest...