The meaning of UNION is an act or instance of uniting or joining two or more things into one. How to use union in a sentence.
the Union.the United States: The Union defeated the Confederacy in 1865. a device emblematic of union, used in a flag or ensign, sometimes occupying the upper corner next to the staff or occupying the entire field. the act of uniting or an instance of being united in marriage or sexual ...
The meaning of PERSONAL UNION is a union of two states constituted by their becoming subject to the same personal ruler without loss of independent sovereignty.
UNITED States. ConstitutionUNITED States. Articles of ConfederationLANGUAGE & languagesLEADERSHIPThis article examines the meaning of the Preamble to the United States Constitution, focusing on the historical context in which it was written and the framers' intentions. The Preamble ...
UNION meaning: 1 : an organization of workers formed to protect the rights and interests of its members; 2 : an act of joining two or more things together
Pan American Union- the administrative agency of the Organization of American States secretariat,secretariate- an administrative unit responsible for maintaining records and other secretarial duties; especially for international organizations Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Pr...
In state law, two types of union are distinguished—personal and organic. A personal union may arise whenever, as a result of dynastic ties and the order of succession, one person becomes the monarch of two or more states; in this way, for example, England and Hanover were joined in a ...
This essay examines the relationship between US policy toward commercialized sex, known as the 'American Plan', and postwar Japan's prohibitionism in the context of changes in the global management of commercialized sex over the course of the 20th century, and reconsiders the meaning of prohibitio...
Marketare both entities created by the member states of the EU, there are some fundamental differences between the two. The Single Market is a trade agreement that eliminates trade regulations and tariffs between all EU members and four non-members that are part of the European Free Trade ...
The meaning of CUSTOMS UNION is a union between two or more states that have abolished tariffs and other restrictions on their interstate trade and have adopted a common commercial policy toward other states.