Union Learning Repstrade unionstraining and developmentcommunications industryThis article examines moves towards the creation of a Union Learning Rep (ULR) network within Connect, the union for UK communications sector management and professional staff. Focusing on a large communications company (CommCo)...
Forecasts the massive increase in taking up adult learning in relation to the victory of union for the right to advise employees about training in Great Britain. Privilege of the employees to paid time off; Purpose of the Employment Bill; Projection of the effect by the Trade Union Congress;....
Strathclyde Students' Union StrathReps Training Part Two 25th February Mandela Auditorium, Glasgow Second Part of Rep Training: Signposting, Safeguarding Voice Strathclyde Students' Union The Canmore Trust Safe Space student session 25th February TL466, Wellbeing Room, Learning and Teaching Buildin...
New representatives can shadow other more experienced colleagues in those meetings too. They can also get training from their union and the TUC as well as backup from experienced representatives and branch officers at work. (There’s more information on this in Section 2 of this manual). A uni...
Scottish Union Learning Fringe Meeting April 15, 2024, 17.30 – 19.00Committee Room 1, Dundee Fair Work: Organising and Training Event March 28, 2024, 10.00 – 16.00TIC Building, Glasgow This is a one-day event aimed at trade union reps and officers on using the Fair Work Framework and Fai...
Each and every student has the ability and opportunity to be heard and influence change on their teaching and learning experience, and your Reps are here to make that happen! Who Represents Me? Give Your Feedback Become a Rep Rep Resources Contact Us Phone Number N/A Email reps@li...
Come along to the rep training sessions, events and socials where you can! Opportunities to get involved with as a Student Rep: Access to positions on a number of centralUniversity committeesand formal groups! Student reps are also encouraged to identify other student leaders to work with, whet...
Looking through my archives, I also found a joke about an Indian training for a government job, a slide show on how bureaucracies operate, a cartoon strip on bureaucratic incentives, a story on what would happen if Noah tried to build an Ark today, and these two posters. There’s also ...
At a special meeting of the University Senate, UCU members on the Senate voiced criticisms of the proposed manner in which the marking and assessment boycott would be handled. However the proposals to Senate from the VP learning and teaching were passed nevertheless. ...
The ability to express my gender in a way that aligns with my true self, improves all aspects of me; my learning, mental well-being as well as my ability and confidence to socialise with those around me. The fund will help so many students to present and express their gender in a way...