In this mr- rupt world both the governed and the governor know the mad is a quid pm quo, and in return for jobs the villagers are wrpwted to vote fc.5 Le Chef's party, the Right Party. wt thin the framework of this tldn tale. the satIre is sketched with broad, bluni strokes....
Proxy adviser ISS has counselled Tesla shareholders to vote against Elon Musk’s $56bn pay award but supported a proposal to reincorporate the electric-car maker in Texas, in a mixed result for the board ahead of its annual meeting next month. ...
(state senators had standing to challenge ratification of a constitutional amendment which had been effected, despite senate deadlock, when the lieutenant governor cast the deciding vote), from a situation, like the one inRaines, where the only injury claimed is an "abstract dilution of ...
Merger vote for giant union.Reports on the planned merger of British trade-unions Institution of Professionals, Managers and Specialists and the Engineers' and Managers' Association. Schedule of the merger vote.EBSCO_AspProfessional Engineering
Actors union will ask for strike vote