Clerk of the Circuit Court of Cook County Union, NJ FULL_TIME SALARY$202,215.81POSITION SUMMARYManages staff attorneys, labor relations representatives, and outside counsel in labor and employment matters. Advises General Counsel and client departments on labor ... 11 Days Ago Apply this Job...
Request for Proposal Chief Municipal Court Prosecutor Posted: 12/14/2023 10:25 AM Due By: 01/09/2024 10:30 AM EOP Employment Opportunity Account Clerk/Library Assistant Posted: 12/06/2023 04:05 PM Due By: 01/24/2024 04:00 PM NTB Notice to Bidders Bottle/Can Recycling Containers ...
The Union Parish Clerk of Court offers eFiling, eRecording, eSearch, and OMA. Subscriptions are available for our online records and images.
Clerk wins NLRB decision, sues to get former job back Alleges Jordan Marsh fired her for union organizingClerk wins NLRB decision, sues to get former job back Alleges Jordan Marsh fired her for union organizingMeg Vaillancourt, Contributing Reporter...
The Real Story Behind the 'Somali Pirates VS Ship's Private Security, trade union for security guards, union for security industry, union security guards, Unions for Security Guards, Unions for Security Officers, united union of security guards, Wayne County security guard killed in nightclub fight...
He added that the $500 limit would remain in place for developers and PACs. Just prior to the 2019 elections, City Clerk Jimmy Farinafiled a complaintagainst DeFusco alleging he violated the city’s pay-to-play rules that remains unresolved. ...
5th Ward Councilman Phil Cohen, who co-sponsored the ordinance with Councilwoman-at-Large Emily Jabbour, reminded his colleagues that the “trigger mechanism” added between first and second reading ensures that the local legislation wouldn’t take effect unless the case between City ...
Clerk of the Circuit Court of Cook County Union, NJ FULL_TIME SALARY$202,215.81POSITION SUMMARYManages staff attorneys, labor relations representatives, and outside counsel in labor and employment matters. Advises General Counsel and client departments on labor ... 27 Days Ago Apply this Job...