Council of Ministers means the Council of Ministers of the Community established by Article 9 of the Treaty; Union means The Australian Workers' Union of Employees, Queensland. responsible Minister , in relation to a scheme, means the Minister to whom the administration of the relevant scheme Act...
In 1974 the Central Committee of the CPSU and the Council of Ministers of the USSR issued the decree On Measures for the Further Development of Agriculture in the Nonchernozem Zone of the RSFSR, according to which the improvement of all agricultural lands of the Nonchernozem Zone is to be ...
The ECJ has undoubtedly made a significant contribution to European Union integration, Through judicial activism, setting of precedent, the declaration of supremacy of EU law , the introduction of the doctrines of direct effect and indirect effect, the imposition of state liability and non-contractua...
The diplomatic task will never be easy with the passions involved but I think the effort is timely now with a balance of progress in the South and the risk of some unexpected disruption to the status quo from waiting too long. The move of the Gulf Cooperation Council to establish a Red S...
The council of the European Union offers a space of open dialogues among the member states of EU. The Laws are adopted and policies are coordinated by the national ministers as all the EU leaders are brought together by EU council at least four times a year....
They have authority to appoint and receive ambassadors;to execute treaties and alliances already formed; to provide for the collection of duties on imports and exports; to regulate the mint,with a saving to the provincial rights; to govern as sovereigns the dependent territories. The provinces are...
European Parliament: Elected by the peoples of the Member States. Council: Representing the governments of the Member States. The Council of Environment Ministers oversees the area of environmental regulations. Commission: The executive and the body having the right to initiate legislation. ...
Arab Telecommunications and Information Council of Ministers Arab Theatre Group Arab Thought Forum Arab Thought Foundation Arab Towns Organization Arab Trade Financing Program Arab Tunisian Bank Arab Union for Astronomy and Space Sciences Arab Union for Cement and Building Materials ...
Often called the Council of Ministers, this body represents the individual states and usually is composed of their foreign ministers. Because ministers come and go, another entity, the Committee of Permanent Representatives (COREPER), supports and advises the council and is made up of permanent ...
Kerala Union of Working Journalists (KUWJ) Siraj cell general secretary M.M.Shamsudheen presided over the function. Journalists from Idukki,Alappuzha took part on Thursday. Kerala State Co-operative Bank former president M. Mehboob ,Co-operative Employees Union Kozhikode district secretary ...