With a family of four boys, Cutler found the newspaper- woman's life a bit too hectic: "I couldn't make'daily paper dexllines any more so I became a publisher." That de&ion, 20 years ago. started a new chapter in Canadian publishing. Tundra. a house best known today for children...
国家:USA州:TN城市:Jackson 基本信息 Union, founded in 1823, is a private, church-affiliated university. Its 290-acre campus is located in Jackson, 80 miles west of Memphis. 网址www.uu.edu/ 机构类别私立 男女同校是 学费$30,330 平均GPA3.76 ...
国家:USA州:TN城市:Jackson 基本信息 Union, founded in 1823, is a private, church-affiliated university. Its 290-acre campus is located in Jackson, 80 miles west of Memphis. 网址www.uu.edu/ 机构类别私立 男女同校是 学费$30,330 平均GPA3.76 ...
Transmission mode Presentation type Involvement Communication Personalization Magazine/Newspaper Visual/haptic Pull High One-way Medium Television Audio/visual Push Low One-way Difficult Internet Audio/visual Pull Relatively high Two-way Easy Mobile Audio/visual/haptic Pull and Push High Two-way Easy 2.2...