Request for Proposal Chief Municipal Court Prosecutor Posted: 12/14/2023 10:25 AM Due By: 01/09/2024 10:30 AM EOP Employment Opportunity Account Clerk/Library Assistant Posted: 12/06/2023 04:05 PM Due By: 01/24/2024 04:00 PM NTB Notice to Bidders Bottle/Can Recycling Containers ...
Members of New York City’s National Association of Letter Carriers, Branch 36, met in Manhattan on March 16, 1970, and voted to strike. At midnight the next evening, March 17, picketing began at the main postal facilities. Moe Biller, then a rank-and-file postal clerk leader in the Ma...
5th Ward Councilman Phil Cohen, who co-sponsored the ordinance with Councilwoman-at-Large Emily Jabbour, reminded his colleagues that the “trigger mechanism” added between first and second reading ensures that the local legislation wouldn’t take effect unless the case between City Cl...
This provision need not interfere with the right of the judge to appoint his clerk or to remove him. French spoliation awards. In my last message, I recommended to Congress that it authorize the payment of the findings or judgments of the Court of Claims in the matter of the French ...
CULVER CITY, CA. 90232, CA. This Business is being conducted by, a corporation. Signed: The registrant commenced to transact business un- der the fictitious business name or names listed on (Date)2/22/2008. /s/: MOLEV, INC. This statement was filed with the County Clerk of LOS ANGELES...
Oklahoma Supreme Court rules against municipal employee union lawThe Oklahoma Municipal Employee Collective Bargaining Act is unconstitutional, ruled a narrow majority of the Oklahoma Supreme Court Tuesday.FrancisSmith, JaniceJournal Record Legislative Report...
Trades Union Congress (TUC), national organization of British trade unions. Although it is the sole national trade union, three other related bodies also exist: the Scottish Trades Union Congress, the Wales Trade Union Council, and the Irish Congress of