你可能从以上执行计划中发现了两处十分陌生的字眼:UNION ALL PUSHED PREDICATE和VW_JF_SET$。它们是什么!? 先来说说JF,JF是join factorization的缩写,你可以把它翻译作链接因式分解,如果你学过离散数学或者数据库原理的话,那么这种在11.2.0.1中最新推出的基于成本的变换操作对你来说并不陌生。用公式的样式来表达大...
| 4 | UNION ALL PUSHED PREDICATE | | | | | | |* 5 | FILTER | | | | | | | 6 | TABLE ACCESS BY INDEX ROWID| MTL_SECONDARY_INVENTORIES | 3 | 336 | 2 (0)| 00:00:01 | |* 7 | INDEX RANGE SCAN | IDX_MTL_SECONDARY_INVENTORIES | 1 | | 1 (0)| 00:00:01 | |* 8 ...
138rowsselected. 以上查询语句中,QUERY A部分(也就是UNION ALL之前的SELECT语句)单独查询时返回返回69条记录,QUERY B部分单独查询时返回15记录,UNION ALL后返回的结果却是138条记录,而非84条记录。实际上这套系统也是最近才从10g迁移到11gr2上,之前在10g中同样的应用没有出过类似的问题,可以猜测是11g中新引入的...
Suboptimal plan possible from INLINE non-correlated UNION ALL subquery. When this problem occurs the execution plan indicates that the subquery has been unnested to a view, and a join predicate was pushed into the view. 这个bug中的问题是由于Oracle错误的将连接列的查询条件推入到UNION ALL子查询中,...
Suboptimal plan possible from INLINE non-correlated UNION ALL subquery. When this problem occurs the execution plan indicates that the subquery has been unnested to a view, and a join predicate was pushed into the view. 这个bug中的问题是由于Oracle错误的将连接列的查询条件推入到UNION ALL子查询中...
Suboptimal plan possible from INLINE non-correlated UNION ALL subquery. When this problem occurs the execution plan indicates that the subquery has been unnested to a view, and a join predicate was pushed into the view. 这个bug中的问题是由于Oracle错误的将连接列的查询条件推入到UNION ALL子查询中...
一次union all 的优化,--客户生产环境反应一个job跑不出结果,我在应用程序log中找到了大量类似的语句selectcount(*)from(selectLOAN_ID,CUSTOMER_REF,PROD_TYPE,SITE_CODE,COMPANY_CODE,LOANASSET_TYPE,
train length and other initiatives. We must continue to deliver a highly consistent and reliable service product for our customers. There are many opportunities for us to improve across all aspects of our operations. We must seize upon those in order to fulfill the long-term goals of our ...
613 bytes sent via SQL*Net to client 520 bytes received via SQL*Net from client 2 SQL*Net roundtrips to/from client 2 sorts (memory) 0 sorts (disk) 1 rows processed 其中TEST_TEST_SUBSCRIBER_FA_V 是一个视图,里面使用了Union,(另外关于这个union的地方和开发确认过,暂时还不能改为union all)...
其中TEST_TEST_SUBSCRIBER_FA_V 是一个视图,里面使用了Union,(另外关于这个union的地方和开发确认过,暂时还不能改为union all)。 把视图的内容填进去,sql语句就成了如下的样子,在数据库里执行的时候也基本是这个样子的。对于在查询中没有用到的字段都给注释掉了。标注为灰色。