作者: $拼多多(PDD)$公司对待投资者的态度给境外“China is uninvestable”的论述又加上了浓墨重彩的一笔
看到文章说有外国公司抱怨中国uninvestable,想到今天与前东家的同事聊天。之前很多外国公司在中国的投资是基于“需要讲China story”以及盲目的相信未来能重复过去三十年的趋势。投资决策的本身就不是很sound。投资环境恶化不过是比较容易说的借口吧。 û收藏 转发 评论 ñ1 评论 o p 同时...
Secretary of Commerce Gina Raimondo said U.S. companies are complaining to her that China is becoming "uninvestable" because of theChinese government’s fines, raidsand other actions against American firms that have made it too risky to do business in the world’s second-large...
Residents are converting the local currency into China’s yuan at the fastest pace in more than a decade, while the Hong Kong dollar is moving toward the weak end of its trading band against the greenback. Even the city’s typically resilient property market is showing cracks, with a gauge...
Brazil, Russia, India and China – together termed BRICs have been an investment disaster and were a marketing-led concept , according to John-Paul Smith, emerging markets equity strategist at Deutsche Bank.
Residents are converting the local currency into China’s yuan at the fastest pace in more than a decade, while the Hong Kong dollar is moving toward the weak end of its trading band against the greenback. Even the city’s typically resilient property market is showing cracks, with a gaug...