I thought that maybe the "All apps" list also read values from the registry so I searched the registry in regedit but could not find it there. In summary, I don't know why All apps still shows the program. Any tips would be very helpful to clean up this annoyance, thank you! I u...
✅ Uninstalled RAV Endpoint Protection and still shows in Windows Security Providers:Hello, an antivirus called RAV Endpoint Protection by Reason Cybersecurity has been installed on my Windows 11 Laptop without my permissions. I think...
When looking at a report of Installed Software, or the Software Summary for a resource, or directly in either the AddRemoveProgram or InstalledSoftware dataclasses (Inv_AddRemoveProgram or Inv_InstalledSoftware database tables), software shows up that is no longer installed on a client computer....
As you reach the bottom of the list, you notice thatUninstalled Appshave been using data too — but here’s whatreallyhappened: Two weeks ago, you uninstalled the Yelp app. That app had used 23.1 MB (megabytes) of data between the time you reset the statistics and the time you deleted ...
in Windows 10 Gaming How to delete an uninstalled application or games from the microsoft store library?: How to delete an uninstalled application or game from the Microsoft Store library?The store library options offer limited options such as:sharingreview writing version notesshows the download ...
I've deleted the game from iTunes and from the iPhone, and it still shows up on the Games List. How do I remove games I have uninstalled? Is it possible? I don't want anything do with it anymore, and having the game show up on the list is rather annoying, given that I didn'...
Deleted apps can be found in the "Library" tab. The most recent apps will be at the top of the list, and the oldest will be at the bottom, depending on how the list is organized. Note:: Make sure you use the correct Google account if you can't find the deleted app. Check whet...
Open VSC with project having devcontainer and extensions are in devcontainer.json Extensions are installed into container according to log, but right after install those are Rollbacked and deeted. And there's no log entry why this is happening. ...
The little wheel still spins like mad, and shows only 2 bars of LTE, AND if I open an app and try to do something or open safari, it does nothing, just drags real real slow. If I shut the iPad off and restart it, then, all of a sudden, I am back to 5 bars of LTE and ...
I don't think that it disappears after uninstalling as it is still part of your collection when you own the game. 0 + XP #7 May Options Slootrix ★★★ Novice Mine still shows up as installed and I can’t do anything with it, uninstalling again does nothing, updating t...