在微软商店(Microsoft Store)中安装的应用程序通常可以通过以下步骤卸载:1. 打开“开始”菜单:点击Windows任务栏左下角的Windows图标,或按下键盘上的Windows键。2. 找到并点击“设置”:在“开始”菜单中,您可以找到一个齿轮状的图标,表示“设置”。点击它以打开设置
It will reinstall Microsoft Store. Important Uninstalling the Microsoft Store app is not supported, and uninstalling it may cause unintended consequences. There is no supported workaround to uninstall or reinstall Microsoft Store. IT professionals can configure, limit, or block...
In Windows, we don't recommend removing or uninstalling the Microsoft Store app. Applies to: All supported versions of Windows Client Original KB number: 4339074 More information This behavior is by design. If you uninstalled Microsoft Store by any means and want to rein...
Microsoft Store is the built-in repository where users can download, update, and uninstall apps for Windows Operating System. Sadly, many users don’t know how to uninstall apps on Microsoft Store. Hence, this article will take you through ways to uninstall apps from the Microsoft Store quickly...
Click the “Uninstall” button. The app is uninstalled instantly. Close the Settings app. With that, you’ve uninstalled a Microsoft Store app. Detailed steps: First, press the “Windows key + I” shortcut to open the Settings app. You can also open it from the Quick Settings flyout. ...
Fix Microsoft Store Missing in Windows 10 After Update Whatever the reason might be, if you want to reinstall the Microsoft Store on your Windows 10 system, and unable to do so, then we are here for your redemption. You might have noticed that unlike the third-party applications, the syste...
There is a new version of the Microsoft Store app for the HoloLens 2. This app update will occur seamlessly when the Microsoft Store app itself is updated. When the update is complete, you'll see a storefront very similar to the store app that is available on desktop. Since this is ...
Install UWP apps via the Microsoft Store app. You have 5 ways to remove or uninstall an App in Windows 11/10. This post explains all the possible ways.
5] To uninstall 10AppsManager, simply delete the program folder. 10AppsManager 2 for Windows 10 has been developed by Lavish Thakkar, for TheWindowsClub.com. It supports Windows 10, 32-bit & 64-bit. How do I completely remove the Microsoft Store app? There are two main ways to completel...
使用WinGet 卸载包时,系统可能会显示 Microsoft Store 协议。 这是由 WinGet 查询程序包清单源的方式决定的。 如果不希望在卸载时显示 Microsoft Store 策略弹出窗口,可以传入--source winget以禁止显示协议。 或者可以选择此卸载方式:在“开始”>“设置”>“应用”>“应用和功能”中找到想删除的应用,然后选择“更多...