If required, type your admin password and pressEnter. After uninstalling the app, you should also remove its associated service files, which are typically located in the Library folders within your user directory. Frequently Asked Questions
Once Terminal or cmd window is running from the folder, follow these steps: In the Cmd window or Terminal window, run this command adb devices. When you run ADB for the first time, you will see a message saying that the system is starting the ADB daemon. You will also be asked to au...
Command PromptApp withAdministrative Privileges. Typethe below command and pressEnterkey. \n \n Get-WindowsCapability -Name RSAT* -Online | Select-Object -Property DisplayName, State You'll get alistof allRSATfeatures and theircurrent statewhetherinstalledornot present. \n external link rem...
You might know that when you simply move apps to the Trash, they leave their service files on the disk. So usually you then need to go to the Library folder andremove the app’s related items from the Application Support folder. To get to Library, open Finder, press Cmd+Shift+G and ...
Fix 9 – Use an admin account Using an administrator account may fix the issue for you. 1. Click on the search box and start to write “cmd“. 2. Further, right-click on the “Command Prompt” and click on “Run as administrators“. ...
Typecmdin the Windows search box. Right-clickCommand Prompt, and then chooseRun as administrator. Enter the full path of theInstallCleanup.exetool and add the command-line parameters that you prefer. By default, the path of the tool is as follows. The double quotes enclose a command that ...
"C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio\Installer\vs_installer.exe"/uninstall --passive It does, however, leave the CoreEditorFonts installed. You can put the command above and this one below in one uninstall.cmd and use that as uninstall string: ...
Service packs Office Server product updates Some updates to Office shared components. Although not recommended or supported by Microsoft, you can uninstall Office updates that are marked as ‘Uninstallable’ bycreating theUninstallableregistry key with thedword:00000001value at the following location: ...
degraded service state DelayedAutoStart value in the registry has incorrect value Delegate a User for domain join Delegate non-admins access to NPS server on DC Delegate Permission to user to install softwares on any computer on the domain Delegate permissions to add printers and drivers Delete Ce...
PressWindows + Sand search for CMD. Click on ‘Run as administrator’. Enter the following command and replace ‘SERVICE NAME’ with the name you noted down earlier. sc delete SERVICENAME The service should now be deleted from your system. Repeat the steps above to delete other McAfee servic...