在Ubuntu系统上卸载Python需要谨慎操作,因为某些系统工具和应用程序可能依赖于特定的Python版本。以下是卸载Python的步骤,请按照指示进行: 1. 确认要卸载的Python版本 首先,你需要确认要卸载的Python版本。可以通过以下命令查看系统中安装的Python版本: bash python3 --version python --version # 通常指向python2,如果安...
or any other method, you can use the apt command. To do so, open the terminal window in your Ubuntu desktop and enter the following command, replacing “package_name” with the name of the application you want to delete: “sudo apt remove package_name”. This will remove the specified...
Note OpenVINO toolkit 2021.4.2 includes preview-support for Ubuntu 20.04, see the release notes for additional information. Run the following command to uninstall the default PyYAML 5.3.1 package: apt-get purge python3-yaml Run the demo script once more: ./<installed dir>/deployment_tools/...
Python 使用三方模块 一、安装 Windows pip install 模块名 pip install 模块名==版本号 linux(root用户) pip install 模块名 pip install...模块名==版本号 linux(普通用户) sudo pip install 模块名 sudo pip install 模块名==版本号 注意 公司里基本你不会让你用root...用户 二、卸载 Windows pip uninst...
--python Uninstall Python (PATH: ${python_install_dir}) " } ARG_NUM=$# TEMP=`getopt -o hvVq --long help,version,quiet,all,web,mysql,postgresql,mongodb,php,mphp_ver:,allphp,phpcache,php_extensions:,hhvm,pureftpd,redis,memcached,phpmyadmin,python -- "$@" 2>/dev/null` ...
To install SCons on Ubuntu, you will need to have Python installed on your system. SCons is written in Python and requires Python to be installed to run. Uninstalling scons package from Ubuntu You can uninstall scons package itself from Ubuntuthrough the terminal: ...
--python Uninstall Python (PATH: ${python_install_dir}) " } ARG_NUM=$# TEMP=`getopt -o hvVq --long help,version,quiet,all,web,mysql,postgresql,mongodb,php,mphp_ver:,allphp,phpcache,php_extensions:,hhvm,pureftpd,redis,memcached,phpmyadmin,python -- "$@" 2>/dev/null` ...
After installing pipenv I was not able to create virtualenvs using virtualenv venv. I would like to uninstall it now but I can't find it in the docs how to uninstall it. Environment OS Type: Ubuntu 16.04 Python version: 3.6.1 Pipenv version: 9.0.3 👍 2 ...
To install speedtest-cli on Ubuntu, you will need to have Python and the pip package manager installed on your system. speedtest-cli is written in Python and requires Python and pip to be installed to run. Uninstalling speedtest-cli package from Ubuntu ...
python-freethreading 23m 5s Pyodide build 25m 15s Matrix: macos-windows 9 jobs completed Show all jobs Matrix: python-dev 4 jobs completed Show all jobs Matrix: ubuntu 12 jobs completed Show all jobs Oh hello! Nice to see you. Made with ️ by humans.txt ...