Want to uninstall an app on your Mac computer? Then take a look at this guide from Parallels. We’ll show you how Parallels Toolbox makes the process easy.
Slower Mac:And finally, all the above can add up to slower MacBook performance. Removing Parallels Desktop can be a step tospeed up your Mac. Tip:Consider backing up your VMs before uninstalling Parallels Desktop so you can easily restore your virtual environment later. To do this, export you...
卸载Parallels Tools后文件夹位置无法更改回来之前安装Parallels Tools时它把此电脑下的几个快捷文件夹的位置给定向到mac内的对应文件夹,现在我把它卸载之后这几个文件夹路径没给我改回去,我想定向回去但会出现找不到原位置的问题。我知道这个问题怎么产生的但不知道如何解决。求一个解决方案。 第一张图那几个英文...
Using the "Uninstall Apps" option in Parallels Toolbox for Mac has been tested and proven to be the easiest and surest way to uninstall an application. It first carries out a scan of the computer hard drive to show all applications and the files they are stored in. There are a few inst...